Need a hug, take a hug.

Thank you, I feel like each day is better for the most part. All I remember is going to get dressed get some aspirin and the calling for him as everything was going black and having no control.

so sorry it came back , but glad you have meds for it :hugs

our one broody was not a good mommy, but it was the first time for us :( I think one survived. We didn't know to separate her from the others.

I've seen videos and they can move so fast 😂.
Thank you, I feel like each day is better for the most part. All I remember is going to get dressed get some aspirin and the calling for him as everything was going black and having no control.

so sorry it came back , but glad you have meds for it :hugs

our one broody was not a good mommy, but it was the first time for us :( I think one survived. We didn't know to separate her from the others.

I've seen videos and they can move so fast 😂.
That sounds terrifying!!! :eek: :hugs Glad you’re getting better!!

And thanks!! I haven’t been getting them lately but today I just kinda woke up with one and tried not to take anything for a while but finally did when it wasn’t going away haha sometimes I get ones that are worse than others or like more in the neck or whatever that I need the stuff for.

Awww I’m sorry to hear that!!! Mine is a first time mother too and only about 14 months old so I was nervous but so far she’s been a good mother. :) she did forget some of her chicks outside the other day though 😂🤣:th but since I pushed her out to get them she’s been better about paying attention and they’ve been better about keeping an eye on mama haha

She switched nests a few times during incubation too but I think others were pushing her off to lay. She’s not high on the pecking order so has run from some hens so far but does a pretty good job still and my rooster is also good at protecting them. I didn’t separate mine but so far they seem okay. They’ve gotten pecked a couple times gently but mostly get ignored. And they figured out how to run from them pretty fast 😂🤣🥰

And yes they really can!!! I have one little wanderer that keeps wandering away from mama then noticing she’s far away and running to catch up 😂🤣 yesterday it let her get about 25-50? feet away maybe and booked it as fast as it could across the yard to catch up 😂🤣 I’m like buddy.... it’d be a lot easier and less tiring if you just stuck with mama instead of constantly having to run to her 😂🤣🙈
That sounds terrifying!!! :eek: :hugs Glad you’re getting better!!

And thanks!! I haven’t been getting them lately but today I just kinda woke up with one and tried not to take anything for a while but finally did when it wasn’t going away haha sometimes I get ones that are worse than others or like more in the neck or whatever that I need the stuff for.

Awww I’m sorry to hear that!!! Mine is a first time mother too and only about 14 months old so I was nervous but so far she’s been a good mother. :) she did forget some of her chicks outside the other day though 😂🤣:th but since I pushed her out to get them she’s been better about paying attention and they’ve been better about keeping an eye on mama haha

She switched nests a few times during incubation too but I think others were pushing her off to lay. She’s not high on the pecking order so has run from some hens so far but does a pretty good job still and my rooster is also good at protecting them. I didn’t separate mine but so far they seem okay. They’ve gotten pecked a couple times gently but mostly get ignored. And they figured out how to run from them pretty fast 😂🤣🥰

And yes they really can!!! I have one little wanderer that keeps wandering away from mama then noticing she’s far away and running to catch up 😂🤣 yesterday it let her get about 25-50? feet away maybe and booked it as fast as it could across the yard to catch up 😂🤣 I’m like buddy.... it’d be a lot easier and less tiring if you just stuck with mama instead of constantly having to run to her 😂🤣🙈
I've always had headaches, but these are different, they have me on drugs to keep them at bay. Home yours are not too bad or go away😞.

It is so fun to watch the babies run around, I can't wait until we can have little ones running around again and have good mommas.
I've always had headaches, but these are different, they have me on drugs to keep them at bay. Home yours are not too bad or go away😞.

It is so fun to watch the babies run around, I can't wait until we can have little ones running around again and have good mommas.
So sorry. :hugs mine aren’t usually too bad. I used to get really bad migraines and/or tension headaches but they come and go, like sometimes I’m really bad and get them practically every day or at least a few times a week, and other times I don’t get them for a while. Right now it’s the latter so the one yesterday was weird. I’ve figured out too when it’s from not eating or dehydration or some other fixable cause and don’t need meds. But I think this one was because of the way I slept. Like a weird angle or something. Idk.

And yeah it really is! Mine keep tricking me into letting them out because they run through the fence and stress mama out lol I should really fix the fence but I’m hoping they’ll be too big soon. Plus I usually let them free range anyway but usually not until later afternoon like between 3 and 5 or whenever. But now I’ve been letting them out at noon lol 11:30 today. But it’s actually good because they’re more tired and go to bed earlier 😂🤣
So sorry. :hugs mine aren’t usually too bad. I used to get really bad migraines and/or tension headaches but they come and go, like sometimes I’m really bad and get them practically every day or at least a few times a week, and other times I don’t get them for a while. Right now it’s the latter so the one yesterday was weird. I’ve figured out too when it’s from not eating or dehydration or some other fixable cause and don’t need meds. But I think this one was because of the way I slept. Like a weird angle or something. Idk.

And yeah it really is! Mine keep tricking me into letting them out because they run through the fence and stress mama out lol I should really fix the fence but I’m hoping they’ll be too big soon. Plus I usually let them free range anyway but usually not until later afternoon like between 3 and 5 or whenever. But now I’ve been letting them out at noon lol 11:30 today. But it’s actually good because they’re more tired and go to bed earlier 😂🤣

after my headache on the 12th, I can understand people who have migraines 😩 I now have to stay on top of my blood pressure and be more aware of what I'm eating. Thank goodness I don't really day salt!! I need to also stay hydrated .

just keep enjoying them even when they are being rotten
after my headache on the 12th, I can understand people who have migraines 😩 I now have to stay on top of my blood pressure and be more aware of what I'm eating. Thank goodness I don't really day salt!! I need to also stay hydrated .

just keep enjoying them even when they are being rotten
Yes they are terrible! Sorry you experienced them. :hugs I’m thankful I haven’t gotten a “real” one on a while. I used to sometimes get them in the afternoon a lot and then it would progressively get worse all day/night to where I would actually eventually throw up. Food used to do it sometimes for me too, like certain kinds, but I actually started taking some vitamins/minerals (I’m not sure which one they are) and that helped haha

And yes I definitely am! :) they like to run out the fence and just forage or lounge around and completely ignore her LOL

It’s been so warm they don’t really need her 😂🤣

Until they get scared 😉

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