Need advice on moving eggs from hen to incubator


11 Years
May 21, 2011
I have 8 eggs under my broody hen since about April 1st. I want to move them into an incubator set up in my daughter's classroom at school so the kids can experience the hatch. I have never used an incubator. I am going to move them on Monday the 16th. Can anyone give me advice on how to have the incubator set up?

Also, I have 6 eggs being shipped to me from an auction.... I plan to move the 8 eggs and replace them with these 6 eggs.... is it safe for my broody hen to be sitting this long? I have been hand feeding her a little and giving her water each day. I have no doubt she will accept the eggs, she is my egg thief! I have to move her every evening to collect the eggs for the day because she has pushed all the eggs into her nest.

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