Need consoling....

Man, I'm sorry. You are right, this is the place to come for sympathy. I know how it feels.

I was late to work the morning I woke up to find the chicken door broken open and chicken parts (sniff!) all over the pasture. Nobody there understood.
:aww I am so very sorry for your loss....I too lost a great RIR roo today. He was a rescue, and was supposed to be going to his new home tomorrow...I caught the dogs that got mine...and they are on thier way to a rescue place, for Labs. I just couldnt hurt the dogs, altho I wanted too at first! Its not thier fault, I blame the owners. So, by sending them a few hours away...I know the owners wont get them back.
I'm so sorry for your loss. How awful for you!
So sad - so sorry.....
Ed, and for everyone else who wrote here of their tragedies. How horrifying/terrifying for the chickens and yet again how awful about the dogs on the loose.....
Wishing you peace....
So sorry to hear sad news. After losing one of my own Saturday night I commiserated with one of the 6th graders I work with. He lost his favorite rooster this weekend. We were both in tears.
The loss is very hard.
I've been searching this forum for nearly an hour (course alittle distracted by other inviting posts!) to find this and the magpie posts to offer my condolences, both posts made me so sad yesterday when I read them (can't post from work). So very sorry for your loss, made my heart wrench and I dreamed all night about crazy things getting my chickens, in fact I woke up furious at opossums this morning worrying that one may get in my coop. I feel so much empathy for your suffering, so sorry, I would miss my spolied rotten chickens so very much if I were you, I can sure understand...and if it was an opossum, I would support your rehoming it to heaven and I don't normally support killing predators that are acting out of instinct, likely not an opossum though as they are kind of slow, probably a dog or several of them...anyway, in all this crazy rambling, I am so sorry....Darlene
Wanted to provide an update: I really want to get a roo for the remaining ladies. I have a new roo, but he is only 2 months and is with the 13 pullets. I wanted an older roo for my older ladies. I have been in contact with a member on the site who has a rooster they are looking to give away, but then another member sent me an email asking me to check out the Montgomery County Humane Society. They have 2 Delaware roos that have been there since early October. I am going to check them out on Sunday. Now the big question, can I come home with only one????? 5 hens and two roos, may be a bit much, but can I really leave one behind. My wife thinks I am nuts, but knows there is nothing she can do...

What do you think, in the end, I will may have 18 hens and 3 roos??
I'm sorry to hear what happened to your chooks! Doesn't seem fair sometimes does it?

I don't think two roos would be too many. What I would find out though is if the two roos at the rescue are living together or apart. If they are living together at least you know that they get along with each other. If they are housed separately then I would only pick one out because if you get them both and put them together they will more than likely fight! Darn roos.

Urban Coyote

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