need coop and indoor coop PICS please


5 Years
Dec 9, 2014
Central Fl
Building our first coop.:celebrate
We have been talking with everyone about sizes and think we have that settled.
What I am needing is ideas for the set up on the inside.

Could you please post some pics of the inside of your coop and what you liked/didn't like or would do different.

Thanks so much :bow
I have four hens. We put one rounded roost in the hen house and two in the run. We should have put an extra roost in the house (we did later, in -15 F weather). Having a way to raise the food and water prevents a lot of spillage, too. My feeder and waterer are both pretty high so that they can't get poo and straw into it and can't scratch it all out. We also put our door on the floor, but as winter approached, we realized we needed a side door so we could close it up on extremely cold nights. The first picture shows the first roost. The second roost sits at an angle to the first a slightly raised - it's also flat so that they can cover their toes on bitter cold days. The second picture shows that there is distance from the roosting area and the egg boxes to prevent poo from getting in there. Be sure to have a big old door so you can access the entire floor of the coop easily. Makes cleaning it a cinch!


My coop is 8x10. I have a window on one side for airflow and wire soffets at the top.
Inside, I have two nest boxes, two roosts with 2 dropping boards under them for cleaning. I lined the boards with cheap linoleum, and scoop up the poop every day with a taping knife. It's easy and quick. I made two dropping boards so they would be easy to take outside and squirt with water.

Thanks, RJSorensen. It doesn't look quite so pristine since the chickens have moved in.

I'm already building an adjacent coop, separated by a chain link fence, so new arrivals can get to know the established herd before merging them together.
Are you going to build a chicken tunnel between the buildings, or use them separately. I know that I have a lot of fun, and get a lot of enjoyment, from my flock. Your build looks to be top notch, the apparent quality of the construction speaks well of the builder. If you and I are alike, then you enjoy the building a lot as well. Nothing quite like clucking round with the clucks…

Best to you and your birds,


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