Need help determining breed please


5 Years
Aug 7, 2016
San Antonio, Tx
So I traded my 3 banties for 3 hens, what I was assuming layers, but now after seeing them I'm guessing they are gamefowl, I would just like some help determining what they are. I can't currently post pictures, but I'll post some later tonight. If would be helpful in the meantime if y'all could help by posting a breed's list. Thank y'all for y'all's help...
Google 'chicken breeds' and you will find lots of lists. Not all lists will have every breed, there are 100's. You also could have mixed breeds, so pictures will help, someone may be familiar enough with what you have to recognize them, even if they are mixed.
Google the following
Old English Game Chickens
American Game Chickens
Modern Game Chickens
So here we go:
This is my favorite of the three:
then we have hen number two, who looks enough like #3 that I didn't take #3's pictures:



Very tall, necks are long and kept upright, very long legs too, I think they might actiaact be to big for my nesting boxes lol they were so pretty I just had to have them... Do you know what color variety they are? Or what pattern roo I should keep an eye out for
Very tall, necks are long and kept upright, very long legs too, I think they might actiaact be to big for my nesting boxes lol they were so pretty I just had to have them... Do you know what color variety they are? Or what pattern roo I should keep an eye out for
Can you post full body pics of them standing? I can't quite tell if they Malay or Shamo.
Due to popularity, I'm guessing Shamo.
I don't know about pattern/color.

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