Need help identifying this breed of banty rooster - photo.


10 Years
Apr 27, 2009
Northeast Louisiana
This banty rooster came to visit with 4 hens one day. He stayed - 2 of the hens have disappeared and two are still with him. They free-range and will not stay confined as they are excellent flyers and very fast little chickens. Does anybody know what kind of rooster this is?

Also, if you know what the baby chicks that are offspring of this banty might look like, please let me know.

This rooster (you can't tell in the photo) but his feathers are absolutely beautiful. They are very gold around his hackles and are so shiny..they look metallic. He is quite lovely, though quite a character and very funny when he tries to romance my Brahmas. He looks like a cowboy trying to hang on to a bucking bronco!
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Here is an interesting photo of a visit from one of our resident bunnies. We actually get more visiting squirrels - they finish up those black oil sunflower seeds the chickens leave behind...except they eat only the seed.

Well, I looked it up - Old English Game bantam is what I have. Somehow, an egg that my Silkie was sitting on hatched into a perfect little crele chick. The chick looks identical to the day old Crele OEG bantam chick at the Cackle Hatchery site. I had no idea what my Silkie hatched out. There are two other chicks that are black with white polka dots and they must be the 'barred' variety. Out of the 4 chicks that my Silkie hatched out, only one is a true Silkie, and is a dead ringer for my Silkie rooster, Smokey. It has 5 toes, black skin, feet beak, eyes, feet, and a lump of fuzz on its head.
If you know a lot about chicken crosses, I have a question.
Sugar is (of course) a solid white Silkie, and I have 2 solid black Silkie hens, also. I can't be sure whether the egg that hatched out the little light gray chick belonged to Smokey and the white Silkie, or Smokey and the black Silkie. Which combination do you think would result in a light gray chick? Thanks for any information you can provide.
He's not a true crele, although the pattern is similar--his wing triangle is not golden, bur rather is black. Also, he isn't completely barred, but has solid areas. And his legs look to be somewhat yellow? Not positive on that from the photo, but that would rule out oegb. Pretty bird, though.
His feet are more whitish than yellow, but I'm thinking that the eggs that hatched are crosses between this little colorful rooster and a little barred OEG hen. It's hard to tell because he has romanced every hen in the yard...even the LBrahmas. hahahahaaaaaa - and that's a sight. Imagine a cowboy on a mean old bull getting tossed around....that's him...the cowboy. Guess he has a name now.

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