Need help QUICK!!!me.

Sounds like it, she doesn't have a hygrometer and one egg already pipped and died. From the way she described it it sounds like shrink-wrapping.

iriesisnfa, there's one sure-fire way to find out if you were too dry without messing with the egg that's still alive. You can open the one that passed. If the chick looks like it's got white paper shrunk around it then your humidity was too low. Also, if that one is like that then the other that has been pipped for a while definitely needs to be moistened manually.
OK...I just tried to pull a small bit of egg and membrane off. When I do so I didn't see a inner membrane but did see a super cute little beak moving all around. I didn't want to poke at it too muck for fear of doing more harm then good.
What are you thinking???
Why don't I see a 2nd membrane? I do see a slightly blood stained area but it looks as if it is the inside of the 1st membrane or that the 2nd membrane is stuck to the 1st???
That means the chick pipped below the level of the air cell. The inner membrane is right up against the outer in the lower two-thirds of the egg, they're separated by the air cell in the fat end of the egg. Without chipping away the shell in the fat end of the egg the best way to decide if your live egg needs to be moistened is to open the one that died and take a look at the inner membrane. If it's dry then the one that's been pipped all day probably is, too.

Meanwhile, keep that baby misted!
I just opened the dead chick.
The inner membrane was clear, I could see right through it.
I took off the inner membrane and the chick had a big yellow blob (yolk?) with blood veins all in it coming out of its belly area.???
Okay, that's actually good news. That means that you can let things proceed without interference at this point and it should be fine. Sometimes they pip into a vein, sometimes they're just not strong enough. You can't save them all, but if you give them optimum conditions you can rest easy that what happens was meant to happen.

So, mist the bator, shut the lid, and go out to dinner! As long as your humidity and temps are good you'll wake up tomorrow to fuzzy butts in the bator. Happy hatching, and take pics for us!
Oh I am a you better believe that I will have pictures!!!
Thank You SO SO much for taking the time to help me.
Say some happy strong hatching prayers for my new babies and I will keep you posted.
I have twin 2 year old boys and everyday the say Eggs, mama, Eggs? So today I showed them that they were finally hatching...I really don't want to disapoint them with no chicks....not to mention I am already attached and they aren't even hatched yet....YIKES!!!
Twin 2 year old boys...guess you won't be going out to dinner.

I've got four little darlings, 2 girls and then 2 boys. My oldest boy just turned two and a half, and every morning he says, "Bebe chickens?" and holds out his hands for me to set a chick in them. He just might be the only 2 year old boy in the world that can be trusted to hold a newly hatched chick. I showed him how to hold his hands out flat and I cup mine over them to keep the chick steady while he giggles. Then we very carefully lower the chick back into the brooder together. Kids make everything more fun. Especially car travel.

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