Need Help! Rooster was attacked and injured


Jun 4, 2015
My Easter Egger roo attacked our bantam roo yesterday and did some damage. The poor little guy has no head or neck feathers, his comb is bleeding, his one eye is either swollen shut or has been pecked out. We cleaned him up the best that we could and put neosporin on the visible wounds. He's now in a crate in our basement in isolation. He's really not moving around or doing much of anything, I'm sure he's hurting. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do for him to help him heal?
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You need to continue to clean the wounds, and you also need to put some
Antibiotic ointment on the wound.
Keep him worm and give him food riche in protein like boiled and crushed egg, or some canned tuna fish. Give him some electrolyte in its drinking water, that will reduce its stress levels.
Good luck
Thank you! He isn't eating or drinking yet and seems to be really sleepy. He is standing and made his way over to the scrambled eggs I made for him. I'm keeping a close eye on him so hopefully with some rest, he'll start feeling better. How long is ok for him not to eat anything? There is dirt in his water bowl, so I hope he has taken a drink.

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