Need help to verify new hens breeds


Jun 23, 2022
Someone had to get rid of their chickens and gave us 4 hens...a Bard Rock, a Austrolorp, and these two. I'm thinking the white one is an Ameraucana though the lady insisted it was an "Easter Egger" I know these breeds can get mixed up and interbred...

The black and white one looks sort of like a Wyandotte of some kind. Neither has layed since I got them so no idea about egg color.
Any ideas?
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I think it is so cute that they are inseparable...when one jumps up in a nesting box, the other one follows, and they manage to fit somehow. I don't name my hens b/c I get too attached but there are always one or two that worm their way into my heart.
Thanks can you tell an EE from an Ameraucana? I saw her puffy cheeks and a bit of a beard...both of these are inseparable. They sleep together, follow each other around, and unfortunately are low hens in the pecking order. I may have to get rid of the new Bard Rock as she constantly bullies these two and chases them away from any interesting things on the ground. BTW, the EE is the LOUDEST hen I have ever heard if I pick her up...she screams and carries on so bad the Roo starts screaming as do many of the other flock...
Thanks can you tell an EE from an Ameraucana? I saw her puffy cheeks and a bit of a beard...both of these are inseparable. They sleep together, follow each other around, and unfortunately are low hens in the pecking order. I may have to get rid of the new Bard Rock as she constantly bullies these two and chases them away from any interesting things on the ground. BTW, the EE is the LOUDEST hen I have ever heard if I pick her up...she screams and carries on so bad the Roo starts screaming as do many of the other flock...

First and foremost, through her colour. Ameraucana are a pire breed, and as such come in some accepted colours, and yours is not one of those. They seem like a personable bunch! I've had a few screamers as well, they'
I think it is so cute that they are inseparable...when one jumps up in a nesting box, the other one follows, and they manage to fit somehow. I don't name my hens b/c I get too attached but there are always one or two that worm their way into my heart.

Sounds adorable. Yes, some birds just have a way of getting to you!

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