Need help with baby deer, strange lumps on behind, ackward situation.

sorry, it might take a minute to call my bro, my mom is on the phone, this might take a few years.
I do, however, agree with cloverleaf farm. Are you sure you got the heads out? Pics probably would be real helpful.
Not a doctor but know a bit about deer. Could it be the picky glands on the deer? Not sure why they would be bleeding though. Sometimes they can become impacted.
In the past I have harvested squirrels, and early season deer that had WARBLES. It is a lump under the skin, and when cut out it looks like a grub, like a garden grub. It is actually bot fly larva. People say it is harmless, and doesn't affect meat. Just a hatchly fly growing up.

Could also be head of tick gettin inflamed also. But if you see a oozing hole, and can almost see worm poke head out when squeezed (think popping a zit) then deffinatally WARBLE.

Good luck

Are they equally spaced on each side of the anus? Could it be irritated or infected *a n a l* glands? Here is for cats/dogs, but I'd imagine that it may be similar... I'd use a warm compress. My husband's cat sometimes has issues and that usually makes them "pop" a foul gunk. Note, they popped on their own, no squeezing or anything. She has only had them 3 times and she is 13 years old. Good luck!

wants to correct *a n a l* to picky.
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The "warbles" described above are also called cuterebra, and IF the larvae is ruptured while being squeezed out, it can cause an anaphylactic reaction in the animal, so BE CAREFUL if that's what you are seeing.

It could be infected / impacted glands, but if they are completely plugged, they could rupture, and then you'll have a HUGE mess on your hands.

I agree with the others, pics would help ALOT.
No, I've had a stray kitten get a bot fly stuck in his nose before and this is more of a big absess. This happened over-night and the ticks came out so easy its funny, The place is infected because when I pulled the ticks out they all has puss on their mouth parts, yes they all still had their heads. I've had her sence she was a baby ( you must rub their bum's to make them poo when they are tiny) and this has never been here. The swelling has gone down and she doesn't want to hold still so I can take a pic so I'll have to post one later.
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You most likely left thehead of the ticks in the skin they will fester andbe fine if the deer is otherwise healthy. In the wild they merely drop off when full.

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