Need help with my Meal Worms, Please.

So i'm a good worm mom then?
if they dont cannibalize that would make this much easier for me! Thanks for the help!
well mom is home but she didn't know much more, thought she did lol. She didn't even know they could fly O_O
If they cannibalize I've never noticed.
Yep, you are a great worm mom!
Also, after reading your post I remembered that my mealworms are out in our mudroom forgotten for about 2 months!
Fortunately if they are kept in a cold place they go dormant for sometimes months. I dashed out there with a couple of carrots and more wheat bran - hopefully they will come back to life(there are some live worms in there).
I've had the same single bin going for years.
thats cool! you can keep them going that long!? neat! thanks for all your help!
Actually, the beetles don't fly. They don't climb either so if you have them in a tote that's not filled to the top they won't get out even if you leave the lid off.
I have mine in a tupperware-type of bin and just leave the lid cocked to allow air in.
I'm not crazy about the beetles either - but it is fun to watch the worms morph into beetles though! The worms turn into the brown beetles, brown to black beetles, black beetles lay eggs, hatch into worms, etc.
oh, well I thought from that diagram they did. Well thats good then no worrying about them flying around.

I remember getting meal worms for the wild birds last year, they were in the fridge for several months. Not sure if they were alive when I put the last few out though lol
Does this just work for the meal worms or can you do this for "super worms" as well....
We go through tons of these between the toads, lizards and flying squirrel. They all love them!
I tried for a year to get the super worms to cycle as it would save the wildlife rehab place that I work hundreds of dollars. But they would get to the pupa stage, a couple would morph into beetles but nothing beyond that. Apparently they are "treated" so they don't reproduce. Why? I don't know.

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