So my very last chick got stuck. I waited almost 36 hours after pipping (it wasn't patience believe me! I was stuck at work a lot of it) and when there was no progress last night I helped out. Once I got in there, it was totally shrinwrapped. The membrane was hard like plastic and super stuck to her little fuzz. I helped her out - followed all you are supposed to for helping hatch - and when she was out she couldn't move her legs or wings because they were still pretty glued to her by the membrane-turned-plastic. I didn't want to peel it off because the one place I did that it yanked her fuzz right out of her skin and she has a little bald patch now. I upped humidity, waited a few hours, nothing happened, so I washed her off in the sink with warm water keeping it off her head. Just enough to let her legs and wings loose.
Put her back in and went to bed.
This morning she is sorta crooked but still completely laying down where most chicks would be up and running around. I took her out to see what was up and she's still covered in what feels like a plastic film, and it's reventer her from getting control of her body. How can I help her?
Put her back in and went to bed.
This morning she is sorta crooked but still completely laying down where most chicks would be up and running around. I took her out to see what was up and she's still covered in what feels like a plastic film, and it's reventer her from getting control of her body. How can I help her?