Need ideas for indoor pens


10 Years
May 11, 2013
So it's finally happened, Bean has learned how to launch herself out of her 15'' high plastic bin that she sleeps in at night...with clipped wings, no less! We've been placing a towel over the pen at night to keep her inside, but I know it's not a permanent solution.

I've been hunting everywhere for a hutch or something to keep the ducks in at night, but everything I've found is either not big enough, won't work as an indoor enclosure, or has a wire bottom which I don't want since their webs are so tiny it'll probably hurt to stand on it for long periods of time.

I'm starting to think I may need to somehow struggle through building a pen myself, but I wouldn't know where to start. I'm totally open to ideas, you guys! While I'm throwing myself upon the collective wisdom of BYC, I'd like to hear opinions on substrate, as well. We use rubber mats and towels, but I'm trying to convince my hubby to use pine shavings. He's so dang protective that he's convinced they're going to eat so much of it that their crops become impacted. Even though both were raised on it.
For a night time solution maybe something like this dog play pen would work temporarily?®-Playp...8&qid=1438187182&sr=8-3&keywords=dog+play+pen

I used this outside for my wee ducklings.

I graduated them to this dog play pen (8 panels worth excluding doors)& covered it with bird netting

There may be suitable rabbit hutches or other small/exotic animal indoor hutches available online or through pet stores. Never had to buy any of those so I cannot make a recommendation.

For indoor bedding I honestly found it easier to use old towels & sheets for 4 ducklings. I just took them out of thebrooder & repalced with fresh ones as needed. Then i'd wash & sanitize te old ones or just discard if they couldn't be used again.
Ooo, I like that playpen thingy both of you posted! Looks like it'd be a nightmare to clean, but worth it if they could run around in it during the day so I can finally leave the friggin' house.

I've looked at rabbit hutches, but it's the same problem: Most of them have a wire grate bottom, and they're awful unwieldy to bring upstairs. The plastic-bottom guinea pig houses are a bit too small for two call ducks.
The bottom is detachable so just take it outside and spray if off. Stain resistant ;)

SOLD! OMG I'm gonna show these links to my hubby right now! Do you guys line 'em with anything like puppy pads or shavings? Or just old towels?
My plan is to line it with puppy pads then with pine shavings on top of that. They've been used pine shavings and I figure a small bottom layer of that will be more plush and comfy. I can just re-use the pads until they get too soiled.
My plan is to line it with puppy pads then with pine shavings on top of that. They've been used pine shavings and I figure a small bottom layer of that will be more plush and comfy. I can just re-use the pads until they get too soiled.

How pricey are those puppy pads? I've wanted to use 'em (or even take on the herculean task of poop-training them with one) but I do worry about cost. They're indoor ducks so we go through sanitary napkins like crazy lining their diapeys. I'm hoping this will become a permanent way to cut back on 'em, which would help offset the cost.
How pricey are those puppy pads? I've wanted to use 'em (or even take on the herculean task of poop-training them with one) but I do worry about cost. They're indoor ducks so we go through sanitary napkins like crazy lining their diapeys. I'm hoping this will become a permanent way to cut back on 'em, which would help offset the cost.

They aren't that expensive and, like most things, they're less per each the more you buy. I have a bunch of the things I'd just give you if you lived nearby. They didn't work well for us.
Honestly, the adult diaper pads for incontinence are cheaper. I am not sure where you are located but this is what I would purchase from a store in my area. Comes out to about 36 cent per underpad.

I am an avid money saver and shop A LOT online.
This comes out to right around 15 cent per underpad and is practically the same size. 18 < 300;15cent >36cent

I figure I'm buying rather cheap incontinence pads so combined with pine chips maybe not spread on the entire bottom but maybe half, will do the trick.
They last me about a month and Tractor Supply did this awesome sale last time I bought them, 2 for $10!
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