need more info about eggs, cleaning, bloom etc


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2020
My gal dropped an egg in the mud last nite, rainy all day, egg resting in muddy area, tho not a puddle. So theres a bloom to protect the insides from outside contamination, right? So a muddy egg is np, right?

I need to better understand this bloom. Will it be compromised if i rinse the egg off under cool tap, then quickly dry it, leaving it on the counter for a few days? After all, its been overnight layin in the rain and mud, so whats to hurt by a quick rinse in clean water?

Im just thinking, if rinsing it is not good, then maybe if the egg lays in wet mud all nite i might as well discard it right away. Is this the case?

Any advice greatly appreciated!
Once it gets washed the bloom is essentially gone to my understanding. At that point it’s best to put in an egg carton and refrigerate it.
I’m not super knowledgeable about it I just know enough to make sure I store/use my eggs appropriately from researching information on the internet
Egg sitting in cold muddy water overnight is NOT good eats! Pitch it, don't feed it to anyone.
One egg costs very little, and it's contaminated.
Some poo on a fresh egg can come off and be okay. It's the overnight in dirty water that's not fine.
Here I collect eggs often, wash them in warm/ hot running water, and refrigerate. The water needs to be warmer than the egg's temperature, and the egg shouldn't be submerged for a long time.
Water rinses off the bloom, so it's then gone, and lost forever.
Clean unwashed eggs do keep at room temps on the counter for some time, and that's how eggs destined to be hatched are managed. However, there's that saying that 'one day at room temperature is like one week in the refrigerator', and that works for me!
'Mud' in a chicken yard contains poop....just sayin'.

I don't wash eggs unless they are very dirty, then will refrigerate or use immediately because thorough washing will remove all the protective bloom(cuticle).

Eggs should be washed in 'water warmer than the egg'.
Simple physics, using colder water will cause the egg contents to contract, causing any 'germs' on exterior surface of egg shell to be pulled into the interior of egg thru the shell pores. Using warmer water will do the opposite.

I don't use any soap or other cleaning/sanitizing agent, just rotate in my hands to 'scrub' all surfaces area of egg shell. Then I air and towel dry before placing in the fridge.

If you are washing eggs for sale to the general public, other requirements may apply, so check your state regulations.
Once it gets washed the bloom is essentially gone to my understanding. At that point it’s best to put in an egg carton and refrigerate it.
I’m not super knowledgeable about it I just know enough to make sure I store/use my eggs appropriately from researching information on the internet
Ya but my question is this... whats the difference between me rinsing egg off under tap water, vs egg sitting out in the rain for hours?
Thanks nomnom, but doesnt answer my questions, nor help me better understand the full nature of the bloom.

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