Need to know whether to bring the babies back inside tonight

glad to hear you brought them in! You should of taken pictures of chickens snuggling with you!
Last year, I put my little ones out in their coop, and it turned out to be a very cold night. They had a heat lamp, but even right under the lamp ( where they all huddled) it was still quite cold. I couldn't stand leaving them out there huddled. They may have been alright, but I brought their stinky butts in. Better safe than sorry, ya know? I'm glad you are bringing them in.
stinky butts. Mine are 11 weeks yesterday and in a small room with a window. After turning heat lamp off then covering air vent. Next open window at the top just in the day and close it at night. The thing is to harden them up so they can take it. Your doing a good job watching them golden babies real close.
Well, apparently they're going to be in the house until March.
The weatherman is saying that the high for the week is 30 degrees. Some days the high is only in the mid-20s. The lows all week are around 13 degrees.
That. is. just. WRONG!!!
In my Original Plan, the weather was to be in the 50s during the day and the low 40s at night. Where the heck did all this arctic wather come from?!!!
I went to the store today I mean yesterday and got another heat lamp and the last water bowl. Took my babies out side. that is why I'm still up. I've be out there 5 times, just came back. There in a stall with wire all over and skids on the floor then plywood, lots and lots of shavings. Two tubs on there sides and hard plastic three feet up on the one outside wall.
Can you put a floor in the coop so they won't be on the cold grown when they do go out? Do they have a wind buffer? Two weeks it could be a little warmer. Can you get the temp. down a little bit more in a room in the house? Hang in there.
I know I only live 15mins. from Nashville and my silkies are just a few weeks older then yours. You can do this,
try to keep them as cool as you can when there in the house. When there outside keep them high and dry. You can do this baby steps. Believe me I know what these babies mean to you. I ordered mine four mos. before I got them. I took these pictures for you today about 4:00pm.
See how good they are doing?
Harden them up.
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The house stays around 67degrees. It goes down to 64 degrees when I'm gone. The brooder is by a single pane window, so it is even cooler than that. Unfortunately I don't have a garage or basement or I'd move them there and start dropping the heat further. They are just going to have to transition straight outside. Not a problem if we were having normal temps. This arctic stuff is killing me though. I don't have outside electricity and the wiring in the house is iffy enough that I am leary about running cords out windows. As much as I love these babies, I don't want to burn the house down. So no outside heat lamp. It is going to have to be ambient air temp with a little help from hot water bottles.
They are still fine in the house. Stinky, but fine. There are only 6 of them, so the brooder is cozy, but not too cramped. The arctic blast has to end at some point. They can just stay in until things warm up a smidge. I kinda like listening to them anyway.

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