Need your help with this chicken. is this respiratory disease? * includes video*

hey, just remembered, all chickens were in the rain for 2 or 3 days since rain came and went and they all got wet, do you think this might have caused these cough/sneeze/respiratory problem? the weather is going a bit crazy and it rains, then sun comes out, then rains again.

they have protection but since they are still new to my coop/run, they were acting like they wanted to go to shelter but did not know how to.
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The excitement of the move and new surrounds can bring stress, and then the rain may have triggered an illness that she was already exposed to at the sale or before. If she gets more upset when you handle her, it is probably best to just give the injection quickly, and leave her alone. Do you happen to know the name of the antibiotic? Hopefully she will start to improve and feel like eating and drinking.
Right now she is outside, I just hope for the best. She is very thin, probably not eating and drinking much since I got her.

I will call the veterinary to tell gum about the results of the treatment on Tuesday, I can ask the name of the medicine for you.
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You might ask about treatment for possible gapeworm which causes severe gasping. Fenbendazole, a goat and horse dewormer is a good treatment. she warm? Sometimes with respiratory infections, they need a little extra warmth. Hopefully, she will recover.
seems to have a slight recovery, she tried to eat and drink a little bit on her own.

BUT I have another big problem on hand. at least one more chicken is showing the same conditions although not so severe as yesterday:

and look at the noses of both of them. the one in the right I heard sneezing and was sleeping in a corner, gasping for air (it is the one in the previous video). the one on the left I heard no such thing but the beak is dirty which might indicate it is also developing the same problem?

for now, the one of the right I have already put together with the one that is being medicated. already sent and sms to the veterinary to know if I can make a general treatment as a prevention for ALL chickens. did I do ok? put these two together, one being treated while the other does not have anything? they are in the dark now in the dog crate inside my garage, not sure if I should let them be in the sun. what about the other one with the dirty hole in the beak? I left her together with all of the other ones, do not have more dog crates.
Yes the sick ones may be outside with some shade. The fresh air is good for them, and they won’t be so close together. Keep the ones showing symptoms together. Glad that the sickest one is recovering, but sorry that one more is getting sick. The nostrils will get dirty if they have any secretions. Be aware that most respiratory diseases make carriers of survivors, so they can give the disease to your other chickens. You really do have your hands full now treating your sick birds. I would try to get more antibiotics, especially oral one in case more become sick.
so in the 3rd video, do you think both are sick?

the one in the right no doubt, but what about the one on the left? do you think that hole being dirty is proof and it needs to be taken out to the dog crate? 3 birds there is a bit too crowded but I have no more crates.

if they become carriers for life, should I cull them?
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I cannot tell that much about the one on the right. You would be the better judge. They can spread the disease to your original flock, but they could be exposed already. It is always a hard decision to know what to do when you buy birds with a disease. Many people do cull sick birds to keep the disease from affecting other chickens. Are you seeing any symptoms such as watery eyes or bubbles in eyes, sneezing, or swelling around the eyes or face?

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