Neighbor dogs, what do I do?

Documentation. Dates/Times. Take pictures, video. Photos of ruined/dead livestock (pets).

Written notification. Put neighbor on notice. Send them a bill for your lost property. Take them to small claims court if they refuse to pay.

As previous post says, notify local sheriff. If they refuse to act, notify state attorney generals office with your complaint.

Most places you do have the right to shoot those dogs. It's your pets or its them. . .ask a "hunter" friend to help you with this problem.

Maybe. . .get your own dogs. We have problems when we and our dogs aren't at home. We got b-i-g livestock guardian dogs and they do not allow other dogs onto our property.

Good luck with this. . .just some ideas. . .I so sorry for your losses.

Yes, all of this! Definitely speak to animal control and the police. You need to get your complaints on record. Make a note of the date you called, what time, who you spoke to, and what was said.

Emphasize that these animals have killed not just your livestock, but they are also threatening humans in the area. They are wandering around in a pack and you're afraid to walk up your street with your children for fear of them rushing you. That normally makes the county sit up, listen, and do something tout de suite.
What I did was make a deal with the AC and the county office. I agreed to catch and pen up the dogs and they would come get um I penned um up and within 30 minutes they came and took them off. These were two dogs a neighbor abandoned. I've been feeding both of them for 2 weeks. I was concerned they would come down in here with me and I would have to shoot um. It worked for me.
If you are not willing to shoot the dogs then you should invest in a good fence to keep them out, electric if possible. Also I would make sure to tell the sheriff that these dogs were aggressive towards you as well as your live stock- a pack of that size can do serious damage! You should definitely look into trapping them, or find a friend, neighbor, or local hunter to come and shoot them for you. Good luck!
That's horrible that your neighbors dogs are terrorizing your chickens. Do you have a fence to block them off? Or do they dig?
I'm coming to the party here kind of late....this is my $.02

I've dealt with quite a few "legal" situations where it wasn't animals but property. We always, always, always cover our butts in case of "return fire". Not literally shooting but if your neighbor were to get a wild hair and come to you all torqued off because you shot his dog(s) you NEED to have LOTS of evidence for your own protection from his actions. Walk down the road with someone able (armed) to protect you and video the dogs. When they come to your property, video the dogs. Make sure there is a time/date stamp on all your videos and pictures. Set them up anywhere you can to accumulate every shred of evidence of their behavior. Then send CERTIFIED MAIL letting the neighbor know that you have officially given him warning that his dogs are repeatedly trespassing and harassing your family and animals and causing property damage. Make sure you include the wording that it is a dangerous situation and you will not tolerate it. I wouldn't tell him you are going to dispose of the dogs. Certified Mail will stand up in court as "proper communication" as it proves they DID receive it. It's 10X stronger than "he said, she said" and 5X stronger than a regular letter. Keep copies of everything, document everything, be organized.

That way, in the event that he gets all wound up and tries to sue you, you have all your ducks in a row. The judge will look at everything you have done to try to avoid causing harm to the dogs and can only stand behind you. Find the law in your county (online), print it out and include a copy highlighting the laws that the neighbor is breaking and include it in your certified mail letter.

No judge would argue with you about having done everything possible to remedy the situation with your neighbor BEFORE they issue is brought to court. Judges love LOVE to see when people have tried to settle out of court first. I've never lost a case and it's because I cover my butt doing every possible thing to NOT have to go to court.

Good luck!!
I love living in Georgia. None of that is necessary. We take care or business the best way we feel is needed. But still talking things out works best. The alternative is always available.
Either shoot them or document everything and sue them in small claims court. I sued and won. It was a lot of work but well worth the effort. I wasn't home when it happened, but my son and daughter-in-law were. Neighbors witnessed also.
Definitely get pictures. The more the better. Also, if you can get video or pictures of the dogs on your property is great whether it day or night and make sure you have a time/date stamped on it.

Animal control nearly never shows up. It's just the way it is. Just not enough working in the office. It's almost pointless. If you can't get to the Sheriff then State Troopers can do the job. They have authority everywhere. They are considered "The big guns" when it comes to difficult problems. That's in every state.

Since you do have issues just walking down the street then there is a very serious problem. I would have a Sheriff or a Trooper walk down the street with me and let them see the dogs come out and see what he/she does. Great witness too. A pack of dogs is a lot different then dealing with just Rover. It can be a very dangerous issue for someone or something. Also, if the owners wife is afraid of her own dogs then, yes, it's a bad thing. The husband needs a wake up call.

I live in the country and I have to say a gun does have it's advantages.

I would like to hear an update on how things are going. Good luck.

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