Neighbor reported me to the city for having a "rooster" because one of my hens was very talkative yesterday...

When I lived in California, I had a neighbor who's lawn would look exactly the same as mine height wise. This same neighbor would then mow his yard, walk into his house, and report us to the city for slightly over-grown grass. If you want my advice, stay away from people.
We were also turned in for weeds and grass when we had just moved in 2 days before. We hadnt got our lawnmower out yet.
GEEZ! How petty can people be!? And how much time do these people have!? Your neighbors really need to get lives!!
You moved to the wrong place.
I grew up on the most depressing cul-de-sac in a decent neighborhood I think in existence. The ice-cream man had to turn off his music when he drove by my house because a neighbor reported him for disturbing the peace with his music from his ice-cream truck.

Or other neighbor right next to us would also pull down pieces of our fence so he could then call the city about our dogs being in his yard. We had it on camera as crazy as it sounds. I even caught him doing it. Most normal looking family ever putting there energy into stuff like that. It's insane. Only worse thing than putting up with them must be actually being those miserable people.
My cousin recently moved from Austin, to the countryside. She text me and was complaining because her neighbors have roosters.
I told her that I have multiple roosters too, and that's why I live in the country.
Then I asked her why she lived in the country. I also told her that roosters have as much right to crow, as her 3 dogs have to bark.
My cousin probably would take a tape measure to your grass. She is HOA material.
Oh, I know. I'm going to do what I can to keep the girls quiet, but I'm very annoyed that this was their first resort instead of just coming and talking to us or even giving it one more day to see if it was recurring. I'm not going to let them push me around.
And don't promise they will quieten down. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. If it is just anxiety over the move then they probably will quieten but I have a couple who make a lot of noise just because they can. I guess they like the sound of their own voices!
I feel very fortunate to live in an area where I've had to call individuals down for being too loud and distressing my birds.
Yep, I've pulled a reverse Karen.
Felt good, can't deny that one bit.
I'm talking about one single man yelling at the top of his lungs trying to get dogs three places down to stop barking.
He had my whole yard worked up.
I'm out there trying to put up roosts and eventually just snapped.
It was like 90 degrees and I'm still not sorry I did it.
People don't realize crap can roll uphill if you push it hard enough.:)
I suspect, but certainly do not know, that your birds are nervous/excitable due to the new place. Birds don't like change. Your girl should calm in the coming days, as they gain a feelingof safety in the new location.

That's pretty much what I figured, but I just wanted some second opinions. I'm feeling very frustrated about the whole situation and want to make sure I'm doing anything possible to keep it from happening again. Thank you for chiming in!
It might be a good idea to have a friendly chat with your neighbors. Explain that 1) you don't have a rooster, 2) that the hens are probably upset about the move and should quiet down soon, 3) explain that they can get noisy when they lay, but that doesn't last more than a few minutes and 4) that you are legally within your rights to have them. Then, as you are leaving, just casually and friendly like mention, "Oh, BTW, are you aware that your dog barks all day, while you are at work?"
The problem is that I don't know for sure which neighbor it is, otherwise I would go talk to them today. If it continues to be an issue I'm going to have to just go around and figure out who it is and try and have a chat about it, but I'm honestly really hoping that as long as they stay quiet I won't have any more issues and can just put it behind me. Thanks for the advice though, I really appreciate it.

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