Will my hen miss the rooster?


Jan 17, 2024
So I recently got a rooster about a month ago because my friend didn’t want it, I have 7 hens and he got along with them pretty well, especially the one lowest in the pecking order is always hanging around with him, unfortunately due to early loud crowing in the morning in my neighborhood, I’m not allowed to keep it anymore and will be giving it to my uncle. I was wondering if my hen will miss him? Is she emotionally attached to him? I always see her eating with him and walking around with him and they got along very well since she’s the lowest in the pecking order.
She will probably miss him (and his protection) for a few days.
Lower hens often get some protection from being picked on. Don't be surprised if the hens have a bit of drama for a couple of days when he leaves.

I've removed roosters for various reasons, sometimes the hens seemed very happy he was gone, sometimes they seemed to look for him for a couple of days and sometimes it seemed they didn't even notice he was gone.


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