Neighbor reported me to the city for having a "rooster" because one of my hens was very talkative yesterday...

Neither do I.

We knew perfectly well when we moved in that we're 1/4 mile from a small sawmill. Doesn't bother us a bit -- in fact my 16yo has a part-time job there as general grunt labor.

We really should pity the people who go through life looking for things to complain about.

(They should try keeping chickens. Chickens make people happier).
That was my thought. But cousin likes cruise ships better than chickens.🤣
I'll never understand those people. I don't think my cousin is speaking to me. I haven't heard from her in a while. I suggested she buy some chickens of her own, and enjoy them. I love said cousin, but she is most definitely a karen.
Sounds like your cousin and my mother would get along great! Her name isn't Karen, but Kathy so close enough. Whenever I'm with her and she starts pulling a Karen I respond "Oh did you by any chance learn how to treat others on". The first time I said it she didn't talk to me for 4 months... albeit a gloriously peaceful and happy 4 months😅
And don't promise they will quieten down. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. If it is just anxiety over the move then they probably will quieten but I have a couple who make a lot of noise just because they can. I guess they like the sound of their own voices!
I agree with Royal! I have one who is particularly noisy, and my flock have been since yesterday afternoon. The wild/song birds are making them nervous and they are making the egg song. In fact I just went to check in on them. They will make a ruckus if they feel in danger. I read here one to offer up some eggs as a token. Both neighbors if you're not sure who it is. My guess it may be the neighbor without the dogs.
That's pretty much what I figured, but I just wanted some second opinions. I'm feeling very frustrated about the whole situation and want to make sure I'm doing anything possible to keep it from happening again. Thank you for chiming in!
I'm sorry this happened to you! It would really bother me, too, as I'm not at all confrontational and hate it if someone wrongly accuses me. If I decided I had to do something, I would probably type up a nice response about what happened with the facts, the conversation with the city ordinance guy, how the chickens are pretty quiet except for a possible few minutes while laying an egg, etc., be friendly, and mail a copy to all three of the neighbors since you don't know who complained. This might bring the two neighbors who didn't complain over to let you know it wasn't them, and you'll know who the complainer is. If there's another complaint, you can then send them a letter about their dog barking, which IS a nuisance, but you don't choose to complain to the city unless you feel you have to. Living in a neighborhood has pluses and minuses, and sometimes we all have to agree to get along.
TBH, I blame the loud dog as the root issue to the problem. Chickens are prey creatures, so a loud predator is going to stress them out. And stressed out chickens make stressed out chicken noises. The alert that they put out for these situations is essential to the survival of the flock, so I wouldn't expect them to stop any time soon if the situation remains stressful.

Would it be possible to put up privacy fencing or bushes to block any line of sight to your chickens, and possibly dampen the noises? These will have the dual effect of reducing the amount of noise that is able to leave your property as well as reducing the overall stress of your chickens and therefore reducing the noise they make to begin with.
My yard is already completely fenced in with six foot tall wooden privacy fences. They have no line of sight to my yard unless they're peeking through the cracks in the fence.
The problem is that I don't know for sure which neighbor it is, otherwise I would go talk to them today. If it continues to be an issue I'm going to have to just go around and figure out who it is and try and have a chat about it, but I'm honestly really hoping that as long as they stay quiet I won't have any more issues and can just put it behind me. Thanks for the advice though, I really appreciate it.
I'd just lay low, wait for the girls to settle in, quiet down, and if the city sends someone out again, try to find out from their agent who is the neighbor who complained, so that you can go talk to them, explain the difference between a rooster crowing and a hen being vocal because they're doing their business. That may be the problem, someone who is unaware of the differences of the noises chickens make. They're A$$-U-MING... making an a$$ out of themselves by annoying everyone with their ignorance.
It might be a good idea to have a friendly chat with your neighbors. Explain that 1) you don't have a rooster, 2) that the hens are probably upset about the move and should quiet down soon, 3) explain that they can get noisy when they lay, but that doesn't last more than a few minutes and 4) that you are legally within your rights to have them. Then, as you are leaving, just casually and friendly like mention, "Oh, BTW, are you aware that your dog barks all day, while you are at work?"
This right here! ^ perfect response. :)
First, I do wish people would stop using the name Karen like that. It's so sad. I know so many kind and struggling/disabled older women named Karen -- you'd have to, it used to be one of the most common names around -- and they've dealt with so much hardship and given so much to others, and suddenly their name is synonymous with "horrible selfish entitled person". And there's nothing they can do about it. I wish people would think about how rough life has been on a lot of older women, and just think about one you know who isn't rich, just gets by, is always helping her kids and other people, doesn't complain, doesn't ask for help, just tries to stay cheerful, has always worked, and imagine how it would be if that sweet person you know had to put up with this new abuse all the time randomly. It must hurt. Maybe find another way of describing entitled people who make other people's lives hell.

Second, if you can find the neighbor who complained, maybe talk with them about what the problem was. It could've just been a bad day, some major stress, who knows. If they're awful, well, you tried. But maybe things will just calm down.
It might be a good idea to have a friendly chat with your neighbors. Explain that 1) you don't have a rooster, 2) that the hens are probably upset about the move and should quiet down soon, 3) explain that they can get noisy when they lay, but that doesn't last more than a few minutes and 4) that you are legally within your rights to have them. Then, as you are leaving, just casually and friendly like mention, "Oh, BTW, are you aware that your dog barks all day, while you are at work?"
Like this approach. Definitely let them know their dogs bark!
First, I do wish people would stop using the name Karen like that. It's so sad. I know so many kind and struggling/disabled older women named Karen -- you'd have to, it used to be one of the most common names around -- and they've dealt with so much hardship and given so much to others, and suddenly their name is synonymous with "horrible selfish entitled person". And there's nothing they can do about it. I wish people would think about how rough life has been on a lot of older women, and just think about one you know who isn't rich, just gets by, is always helping her kids and other people, doesn't complain, doesn't ask for help, just tries to stay cheerful, has always worked, and imagine how it would be if that sweet person you know had to put up with this new abuse all the time randomly. It must hurt. Maybe find another way of describing entitled people who make other people's lives hell.

Second, if you can find the neighbor who complained, maybe talk with them about what the problem was. It could've just been a bad day, some major stress, who knows. If they're awful, well, you tried. But maybe things will just calm down.
Very nicely put!

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