Neighbor's Cat

I agree even though my cat stays out and comes in, It doesn't bother my chickens. Probably out of laziness.
I'm really surprised the cat bothers your chickens. I've got barn cats that are very good hunters. They don't even look at the chickens. I just thought of this though, maybe they don't look at the chicks because the turkeys always chase them. Hmmmm. Get some turkeys?
English Game Cock

Now THAT would kick some major butt!

I usually avoid those guys unless their spurs have been removed
Wow - I've only had/been around cats that either adore or are terrified of chickens. Once I teach them that the birds are family they show a lot of respect.
I hope these neighbors will take you seriously if you explain that a wound from a cat would be very dangerous for your pet birds (hopefully the one today was not wounded??! if so, she'll need antibiotic). Hopefully this will be the kind of neighbor that will teach her cat that this behavior is not good - maybe she could be near the chickens when the cat comes and before it gets too close for comfort very sternly tell it "NO!!!". My cats would take any reprimand very seriously and back right off as they want to please me (I love them so and they love me :^)). The neighbor will have to invest some time in this or she should fence in/contain the kitty somehow. More likely that you'd fence your birds but you shouldn't have to.
An old farmer told me once if a dog or cat goes after your chickens and kills it to tie the chicken around the dog/cats neck. They will never go after the chickens again. My son uses an air soft gun to run off my neighbors dogs. It doesn't wound them just stings. That has worked for us.
I find the water hose works good for our cats.and the neighbours cats. Cats hate water and I've caught some cats chasing my chickens. I turned the water on them . A good squirt of water sends them flying. At first they kept coming back but after several squirts with the water hose I haven't had any more trouble with cats. My problems is hawks now.
I live in an area of rural SC where feral and tame cats and dogs are a problem. And I've raised chickens a long time.

I finally had to conclude that even though a pet's owner should be responsible for confining their animals, and I could get rid of all the ferals I wanted, they WILL keep coming back, as well as the wild predators.

It is therefore MY responsibility to protect my chickens from harm. So they have a large area as a run, plenty of coop space and I am currently running electric fencing around the perimeter. My animals, my responsiblity to protect them- since I can't control the actions of other people. No more free ranging for my flock.
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My poor cat's afraid of the Birds. We had a good rooster and... well you get the picture. Heh Heh yeah.... *runs away*

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