Neighbor's Cat

Most cats don't bother grown chickens; mine doesn't.

I agree with getting a big, brave rooster &/or penning them up. I also agree with either SSS or trap it with a trip to the local pound. Another option: spray it with something really foul like the fly bait or vinegar so it goes home all smelly. Enough times and maybe they will keep it confined.
Coyote urine is a cat deterrent. It can be purchased in hunting stores. However, if you have a local coyote population I wouldn't use it since it is a coyote attractant.
Get a child's water gun. One of those big ones. Keep it full, and placed just by your outside door. Chase the cat all the way home, squirting water all the way. I see my neighbors cat going the long way round to avoid coming on to our property. It runs if I go anywhere near it!
We haven't had a problem with cats in the area and I don't expect any, even tho there are plenty in the area. I would recommend a large rooster. He'll protect the flock from the small predators besides the cat. We have a NHR rooster, which the Red Tails avoid. In his happy go lucky mood, he stands up to my knees.
Tell the neighbor what is happening..
if the cat keeps coming around..catch it and take it to a shelter. Simple!
We have a stray running around here who is always in my yard. The cat has been around for years and has never posed a threat until this year when I let the broodies raise their babies free range style with the flock. The cat tried to go after the chicks but not the adults. My solution was to let my declawed fat cat who LOVES and protects the chickens outside during the day. If that cat even sees sasha he runs off. She is my watch cat. She loves helping round them up for bed, laying on eggs while mama broodies get up for a break, rolling in the dirt with them ect. I think she thinks she IS a chicken. I would trap the cat and take it to a shelter hoping the people just write it off.

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