Neighbors Got Their Dogs Back During The Week


12 Years
Feb 6, 2007
Slocomb, Alabama
I will refer to them as dogs this time. They got in my pig stye again. Dam shotgun jammed on me and they got away. Getting tired of this! Sherriff told me that they can do nothing and that I have a right to protect my livestock! Today I will clean the gun and lubricate and look for any damage to it after tending to the pigs. The pig fence is higher now but, I watched the dogs climb it to get out.
I somewhat remember your other post about the dogs getting your pigs. Have you told the neighbor that will shoot the dogs if they found are on your property again? I cant remember if you said you did or not. Either way, I would remind them that you have the right to protect your animals, even at the sake of theirs, and if they care at all about their pets they will tie them up and kennel them. If they dont then do what any of us here would do.


And move on knowing your pigs will be forever safe from those animals.
They even told me to take them out! I am so mad and tired right now after working all night. I dont get off until 9am. I know that they got 2 ears on the other male pig and the hind end on the one female pretty bad. It was hard to tell with a flashlight. My DW said that it was only a minute or so that it took me to wake up and get out there. She can not believe the damage in such a short time. She probably didn't sleep last night. When I left she kept her gun handy. And I thought I would have to worry more for my chickens.
Oh Ed, I am so sorry this is happening AGAIN! What is wrong with these people?? Dont they understand whats going on in YOUR yard? I sure hope, for the sake of your pige, you can get those dogs. Jeesh, and I hop your pigs are ok as well. Just remember, when you DO "get" the dogs, let them lay where they fall, and call the police. Let them see. Then, I would drop the dogs bodies off to the owners...let them "dispose" of thier own.
Im so sorry. I am going to be building a pig sty soon and you have given me new worries! I have two dogs of my own and I will spray them with a water gun if I have to.
Dogs make horrible predators because they are so close to wild. They taste blood and will continue to come back again and again for more. Its a game to some of them, and they often dont even eat what they kill! At least wold fox, coyotte, and wolves EAT the stuff!

Well, if your neighbors really dont care then you may really be doing the dogs a service by putting them out. Chances are they are underfed or neglected and that could be another reason they return for 'free food'.

On another note, I couldn't help but read that you mentioned they go after the ears. Often what alot of people with dogs dont realize is that there is no real taste difference between the pig ears we buy them in the pet stores and ears on real pigs. Dogs LOVE pig ears, often TOO much. I cant give them to my lab, because he'll devour them and gag.
I say take em out with both barrels!... leave em where the fall and have the "neighbors" come and witness your version of natural selection. I'm a dog person but enough is enough already with these clowns.


Edited to say: shoot the dogs, not the neighbors lol (all though they sound like they need some weeding out as well)
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I'm so sorry. I hate that feeling of being worried and not being able to make it go away. Your neighbors sound like mine. They attacked my goats many times. All the wife would say was shot them! I asked her why she didn't take them out on their property and she needed to shot them. They are sue happy (have atleast one lawsuit going at any given time) and I didn't want them to have any reason to sue me. Finally another neighbor got tired of the attacks on their animals and poisoned all 4 of their dogs. I felt for the dogs it wasn't their fault. These dogs had absolutely no fence to even stay in. The owners never put up a fence just went and got a couple of rott mixes. I have a rott and she wouldn't hurt a flea but I also FEED her!

I hope all ends well for you. Are your pigs young? My potbelly took out my other neighbors dog. She is 9 and doesn't take crap from dogs. I don't worry about her anymore. Funny thing is she loves our dogs. In the winter you find them all cuddled together for warmth!
I have found out why the shotgun was jamming and it is fixed! That did not deter me from target practice with everything I own. While I was practicing, all dogs have been moved inside their house. They know that I am not playing, my parents own the house and they rent. They will be gone. I found out that the electric was still in my name and will be shut off with no option to pay and reopen an account. I told the electric company that I will take full responsability for the bill as long as I hold jurisdiction over the power being turned back on. I hate to even take pictures of their torn hides and will not post them on here. I have spent the day trying to doctor them up but, they are still skittish even with me. They do not realize that the bluekote will help them. I have to go to bed in case if tonight is another scenario, I have lost too much sleep already! Thank You all for your condolences, I think that they keep my chickens safe but, how much should one have to go through?

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