Neon Green Poop, EYP?


6 Years
Jul 14, 2017
1 1/2 year old
Production Red Hen
Name is Cocoa Bean
Feed is Non-GMO Bar-Ale crumbles
Treats I give once in the evening to bribe them back in the enclosed run, only a half of a hand full of chopped grapes for all 6 chickens to share.
Water is cleaned out daily, and I add Hen Boost once a month; which is vitamins, electrolytes, and probiotics.

Cocoa is my smallest Production Red. While she was growing up, for a while she was half the size of all her flockmates. She has always had runny stools, so she would require a bath about once a month or so, when her bottom started looking really messy.

In June she started laying lots of 'fairy' eggs, then some really wonkly shaped eggs. Inside all of these were only the whites, no yolks.

The beginning of July, she stopped laying completely. She still went into the nesting box once in a while and would sit without producing anything. Then she come out singing the egg song. This lasted through the end of July, then she stopped.

Last week, I noticed she hasn't been as active as she use to be. She is still eating and drinking but not nearly as much. Yesterday I noticed she is moving slow, and not interested in any activities, she just sits underneath a tree and watches her flockmates all day. She is not puffed up, she is not holding her head down, and her tail is still up. But I know this is not her normal behavior.

Then this morning, I was cleaning out the coop and where she sleeps was bright florescent looking neon green poop. I'll try and attach a pic.

I suspect this is due to EYP ???
I would say she's egg bound but I don't think that covers whats going on with her. Has she ever laid eggs with yolks? If not it could be a birth defect but beyond that no idea. sorry I cant be of more help. Try googling her symptoms. Hope she gets better.
Definitely quarantine her incase she's contagious. If you can maybe take her to your local vet if they take chickens.
She may have a reproductive disorder, such as false layer, internal laying, or others. Those can lead to egg yolk peritonitis. Has she eaten anything unusual, such as red cabbage or blueberries? She may be having the green poops due to certain foods or from not eating enough. Is she starting to lose feathers for her first molt? They can normally stop laying and feel a bit more puny with a decreased appetite during molting. If she is not molting, she may be showing more signs of a reproductive problem. Unfortunately these problems are common in laying hens, usually older than she, but still possible at her age. Here is some reading about this:
Thank you so much for responding. I will take a look at those articles.

She wasnt eaten anything out of the normal. She is not losing feathers yet, so no molt.

I'm afraid I'm losing her. :(
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On the Merck Manual link, there is a list of different reproductive disorders that you can click on to read about. Sorry that she is ill, but I would try to offer her foods that she likes, to keep her comfortable, and if she appears to be suffering, think about putting her down. Many chickens will eat cooked egg even when sick, and wet chicken feed, tuna, and liver are also good ones to try.
Thank you.

I just went outside to check on her a little while ago. I felt her crop, it's empty. So that means she isn't eating anymore. I just tried giving her a scrambled egg, but she refused to eat that too. I gave her a few chopped grapes and she ate those with no problem though. She is still drinking, she drake quite a bit after I gave her the grapes.

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