Nerd Thread!

Because it's a nerd thread, am I allowed to correct your grammar?
(No biggie, it's just for fun

You're such a nerd! Lol!
Yeah! Lol! I always make that grammar mistake when I am typing fast! :p
AWESOME! What is 120738442573674687388467836743884764884774884783993784995773995775 x 2787487506860923712947493472108489596774973982947? (No calculators allowed)
Yay, nerd thread. I'm pretty nerdy

I hereby submit my application for the nerd society:

Name: Fierlin (01000110011010010110010101110010011011000110100101101110)

Nerd Qualifications:
- Studying maths. At a tertiary level.
- Grammar Nazi (rank: Commander)
- High Level physics and chemistry in school.
- Used to know the whole period table. Even nerds find better things to think about eventually... (I still know about 80 of the elements, albeit not all in order.)
- Uses free time to learn more of PI. I'm up to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375. I hope none of that was wrong.
- Has kept a journal for five years, documenting the banalities of everyday life in it (almost) daily. This is to ensure that Fierlin
a) remembers what she was doing yesterday
b) retains her command of the English language during periods of intellectual inactivity. Such as the school holidays.
- Sees water and thinks of H2O molecules and, by association, hydrogen bonding, VSEPR theory, and, at a stretch, nucleophilic substitution.
- Writes colossal sentences with overenthusiastic use of commas...

I, the applicant, hereby declare that the information I am providing is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signed: Fierlin

My kids were talking about elementary school algebra the other day and I impressed them by telling them pi was 3.1415926535 879502 but based on your answer it looks like I got the last part wrong. Of course, one can just make it up after about 3.141592653 and very few people would be the wiser.
Nerd power!

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