Netting strong enough to stop a hawk?


Bantam Queen
7 Years
Apr 28, 2016
New York
I want to add on an extra section to my run that I can open for my chickens in the morning, and close off at night. So it will be separate from their usual run, but will give them some extra space during the day. It's not going to be quite as secure as their actual run, but I do need it to be safe from hawks, which are the only predators we have here during the day.
I was thinking that I could cover the top with some strong netting that would be able to stop a hawk from flying in. Does anyone know what kind of netting would be best for this?
This is what I use. I haven't had a hawk try to physically get through it but I put it up after we had a hawk attack during free range time. He came back to see if he could get a free lunch a couple weeks later and I dont know if he saw the netting and just gave up but the hens were freaking out and hiding under the coop so I know he was close. Obviously he didnt get in and I haven't seen him back. I do know that it does great with snow and doesn't break under wet heavy snow and that was a huge selling point for me. Also it doesn't look trashy lol
This is what I use. I haven't had a hawk try to physically get through it but I put it up after we had a hawk attack during free range time. He came back to see if he could get a free lunch a couple weeks later and I dont know if he saw the netting and just gave up but the hens were freaking out and hiding under the coop so I know he was close. Obviously he didnt get in and I haven't seen him back. I do know that it does great with snow and doesn't break under wet heavy snow and that was a huge selling point for me. Also it doesn't look trashy lol
Do you know if the 2" mesh net would be enough, or does it have to be the 1"?

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