
Quote: LOL!!! That's for sure! Just be prepared if you start researching this on BYC that you will find this a pretty heated topic for some. Not sure why folks get so upset when their advice is rejected or questioned but be prepared for it. There is so much contradictory advice it is hard to get a clear picture of what is really going on.

My own feeling is that many vets and feed stores etc are being fed info from the large feed companies and, just like you said, they are trying to sell a product and are doing a great job of it!!! I don't have anything against folks making a profit but it does mean the rest of us have to dig a lot deeper for the real story and I'm not sure if any unbiased studies have even been done. I tried to find info that was unbiased with real science and studies etc to back up claims but all the info I found seemed to be conjecture or just a line from a feed manufacturer.

I wish I had better info for you but there are sooo many websites out there... Maybe you'll find more concrete info than I found. I was looking for long term studies by independant groups. I prefer a University study but found many many papers from students and professors that are stating facts with no info to back them up so I avoided the required papers from students and the statements of opinion from others as well. Got tired of wading through the mess that is out there right now and gave up on this particular issue.

Although I have found some great university studies on lots of other chicken related stuff, just couldn't find real hard evidence that any group has done any serious studies on what is best to feed a chicken specifically. Lots of opinions yes but no hard proof that what the Corporations are saying is truth. Just felt like all I got was the company line.

I am very interested on what you find out though if you look into this. Until then I'll keep feeding them a balanced mix of insects, greens and various feeds.
I totally agree with you Sunny about the calcium. I'm not feeding it to the babies. Bridgette and the 2 ducks can hold out on that. I was giving the flock greens all of the time but it's also the egg whites that will help them absorb the calcium along with the greens. If a chicken is having a calcium absorption issue then this should fix it. He said he believes that Sundae's issue, she's not absorbing the calcium she's eating. Chickens can have that issues a lot. I do not know for sure. Bella was in the same laying box as Monique tonight around 10pm and laid a shell less egg on top of her the poor thing. Monique let me clean her up without even caring. Her left wing was covered in the egg white. At first I thought Bella was becoming broody until she got up and went back up on the roost and I saw this broken blob on Monique. I'm filling a chick feeder full of toasted and broken egg shells along with the oyster shell everyday as they gobble it up.

Anyways, I've never had any hurt feelings regarding the care of our flock at all and I trust you and everyone on here as we learn every single day with our flocks.

Have a good night all. I'm tired and must go to work tomorrow. I'm hoping to hear if I have a job this week or not. The new owners are taking over on June 26th.
I totally agree with you Sunny about the calcium. I'm not feeding it to the babies. Bridgette and the 2 ducks can hold out on that. I was giving the flock greens all of the time but it's also the egg whites that will help them absorb the calcium along with the greens. If a chicken is having a calcium absorption issue then this should fix it. He said he believes that Sundae's issue, she's not absorbing the calcium she's eating. Chickens can have that issues a lot. I do not know for sure. Bella was in the same laying box as Monique tonight around 10pm and laid a shell less egg on top of her the poor thing. Monique let me clean her up without even caring. Her left wing was covered in the egg white. At first I thought Bella was becoming broody until she got up and went back up on the roost and I saw this broken blob on Monique. I'm filling a chick feeder full of toasted and broken egg shells along with the oyster shell everyday as they gobble it up.

Anyways, I've never had any hurt feelings regarding the care of our flock at all and I trust you and everyone on here as we learn every single day with our flocks.

Have a good night all. I'm tired and must go to work tomorrow. I'm hoping to hear if I have a job this week or not. The new owners are taking over on June 26th.
I think the fact that a lot of folks trust us here to get it right is why I'm so anal about wanting to get correct answers or to make sure we say we aren't sure if we're not. I know not everyone here is good at doing the research or admitting they don't know something for sure. It's ok to say "I think..." when you are not positive you are correct. But overall we have a very smart crowd on this thread and usually that comes across to visitors looking for help. I feel very blessed to be a part of this thread.

Anyway... Good luck on the job if that is what you want! I think you are worth more than they are paying you but you have to decide if any job is better than none.
All of this talk about diet brought this to mind. I have had chickens off and on over the years. Time before this (I have had the current flock approx. 4 years) I had a terrible problem with feather picking and heavy molts where the feathers were super slow to come back in. The other chickens pecked one of the molting birds bloody (she was totally bare and her feathers wouldn't grow back in) and I was so frustrated I got rid of them all
Now, granted they were hatchery birds, but I am convinced that diet played a large role in the issues I was having. I was feeding chicken scratch as a morning treat, a layer feed and table scraps. I have read that scratch is like candy to a chicken and that table scraps can throw off the balance of their diet (plus the salt in the food is a no no) so I decided to try something different this time around and I have not had problems like that again thank goodness!
I have had really good luck with feeding the Flockraiser mixed with DE (stronger egg shells, helps deter flies) ground flax (Omega 3 and protects against respiratory disease) red pepper flakes (boosts their immune system and circulation) alfalfa or kelp (natural vitamins and healthy feathers) free choice oyster shell (calcium) and a morning treat of old fashioned oats ( B vitamins for brain and nervous system health) and black oil sunflower seeds (protein.) Makes for some super yummy eggs too!
I have also noticed what vigorous, big, healthy chicks hatch from these eggs too
Well hello everyone! Im home im home! boy did I miss my little egg head and my kitties and my chickens. ive been getting a lot of attention from all of the animals since i got home, I LOVE IT! *cuddles cuddles cuddles*

I did some skim reading to try and catch up. However, my attention span is that of a goldfish since Friday so my apologies, LOL. SPEAKING OF FRIDAY, I cant wait to tell you guys about all the fun tuff we did in LA! I forgot how neat it is back home, and how many adventures one can get into. Well lets see, you all know what went down on friday haha. It was amazing. We went to venice beach and had lunch at the boardwalk cafe which is where I ALWAYS go when we go to venice. Its my spot :) Well there are all kinds of sidewalk acts in venice, usually artists or weirdos doing odd things. But our favorite act is a man who has been there for years, he just lugs a piano around and plays the most beautiful classical songs. He happened to be playing outside of the cafe when we got there and when we left markie approached him and asked if he could play our song. When he started i went and sat on the grass behind the piano to listen and enjoy and thats when Markie got down on one knee, pulled a ring out of his sock, and asked me to marry him. It was magical, I was in tears, lol. Oh yeah! and heres my ring!!!

He had it custom made by a friend of ours in the jewelry business! Isnt it perfect! its a 14k rose gold flamingo with diamonds for eyes. I LOVE it!!!

OKay enough bragging, sheesh. We also went to a bunch of amazing museums and restaurants while we were there. we went to a japanese food place tht had little bbqs on build into the tables and you just order your veggies and meat and cook em up right there! Also went to the california science center which had real spaceship thingys (i dont know what theyre called, theyre the things that the astronauts come back to earth in). They were all burnt up and used and stuff. We went to hollywood and saw all of the stars and handprints. (doris day! humphry bogart! leonard nemoy!). Went to the Ripley' believe it or not museum. I loooove that place. It has some of the weirdest things I have ever seen. Stopped at a Tommy's burger and got my dad a giant vat of chili, hahaha.
Yesterday before we came home we stopped at the Museum Of Tolerance in downtown LA. That was extremely heavy. Mark and I took away so much from that experience. Al of the exhibits there are about prejudice, genocide, and hate, including an hour long guided holocaust exhibit where in the begining you are given an ID card of a real child from europe in that time and during the tour you put your card into a little machine and learn more and more about what happened to your child and your family, then at the end of the tour you find out your childs fate. Also our tour happened to be guided by an actual holocaust surviver which made the entire thing that much deeper. It was intense.

okay I am definitely rambling now. I had the most amazing weekend ever! and dont worry about the party guys, haha. Mark and I are planning to get married at an Elvis chapel in vegas next year and then we are going to come back to reno and throw a HUGE party for all of our friends and family to join!
Well hello everyone! Im home im home! boy did I miss my little egg head and my kitties and my chickens. ive been getting a lot of attention from all of the animals since i got home, I LOVE IT! *cuddles cuddles cuddles*

I did some skim reading to try and catch up. However, my attention span is that of a goldfish since Friday so my apologies, LOL. SPEAKING OF FRIDAY, I cant wait to tell you guys about all the fun tuff we did in LA! I forgot how neat it is back home, and how many adventures one can get into. Well lets see, you all know what went down on friday haha. It was amazing. We went to venice beach and had lunch at the boardwalk cafe which is where I ALWAYS go when we go to venice. Its my spot :) Well there are all kinds of sidewalk acts in venice, usually artists or weirdos doing odd things. But our favorite act is a man who has been there for years, he just lugs a piano around and plays the most beautiful classical songs. He happened to be playing outside of the cafe when we got there and when we left markie approached him and asked if he could play our song. When he started i went and sat on the grass behind the piano to listen and enjoy and thats when Markie got down on one knee, pulled a ring out of his sock, and asked me to marry him. It was magical, I was in tears, lol. Oh yeah! and heres my ring!!!

He had it custom made by a friend of ours in the jewelry business! Isnt it perfect! its a 14k rose gold flamingo with diamonds for eyes. I LOVE it!!!

OKay enough bragging, sheesh. We also went to a bunch of amazing museums and restaurants while we were there. we went to a japanese food place tht had little bbqs on build into the tables and you just order your veggies and meat and cook em up right there! Also went to the california science center which had real spaceship thingys (i dont know what theyre called, theyre the things that the astronauts come back to earth in). They were all burnt up and used and stuff. We went to hollywood and saw all of the stars and handprints. (doris day! humphry bogart! leonard nemoy!). Went to the Ripley' believe it or not museum. I loooove that place. It has some of the weirdest things I have ever seen. Stopped at a Tommy's burger and got my dad a giant vat of chili, hahaha.
Yesterday before we came home we stopped at the Museum Of Tolerance in downtown LA. That was extremely heavy. Mark and I took away so much from that experience. Al of the exhibits there are about prejudice, genocide, and hate, including an hour long guided holocaust exhibit where in the begining you are given an ID card of a real child from europe in that time and during the tour you put your card into a little machine and learn more and more about what happened to your child and your family, then at the end of the tour you find out your childs fate. Also our tour happened to be guided by an actual holocaust surviver which made the entire thing that much deeper. It was intense.

okay I am definitely rambling now. I had the most amazing weekend ever! and dont worry about the party guys, haha. Mark and I are planning to get married at an Elvis chapel in vegas next year and then we are going to come back to reno and throw a HUGE party for all of our friends and family to join!
Congrats, again, Aubrey!!! the ring is perfect for you. What a sweetie Mark is! Sounds like a wonderful trip. I have been to the Holocaust museum in DC and you also get an id from a real person and follow it through the exhibit. That was the most meaningful museum experience i've ever had. very eye opening. everyone should do that at some point in their lives. Too bad many of the most prejudiced people would never set foot in there. But maybe some children will go with school and that could break a cycle in a family. anyway so happy for you!
on the job, sheryl!

good to have the information on different feeds and supplements. I've just started growing purslane and another chicken forage mix for my chickens. They get veggie scraps when we have them. I should probably get some more for them. I've started giving a little BOSS in the morning. Candy, it sounds like you've got a good system going there for yours. Do you just give the old fashion oats to them as is-- i.e. raw? And what form is the alfalfa and kelp in?
That would make sense since they eat a lot of greens when they can get ahold of them. I used to feed a lot of greens to the flock but there aren't near the yard trimmings here that there were there.

I'm going to avoid layer feed for now since Vets can't even agree on this issue. I have heard opinions on both sides and read a heartbreaking story here on BYC from someone who gave layer to his young flock when his vet said it was fine. Well after losing much of his flock to kidney failure (sent the carcasses in for necropsies) he has strong opinions about this issue.

I personally will keep feeding oyster shell. Then I'm sure the one's that need it will have it. I see the roos eating it sometimes too but have never seen the young ones eat it (doesn't mean they never do, I've just not seen it). Now that I have veggie trimmings the flock will get more greens as well. Sure wish this new flock would start hunting mice! I guess that was a rarity! It was nice while it lasted though.

I got another little pullet egg from the new flock today. It was a tiny brown egg just like the first one so probably the same girl.

I also got a mess of eggs from the marans girls today! 6 in one day! But only 1 of them was dark. At least they are not eating the eggs now. I think the lack of oyster shell was the culprit. The shells on the marans eggs are always so thick that I was holding back oyster shell so the eggs could hatch easier. I learned my lesson on that one the hard way though!

Again not trying to argue or start anything. Just my personal decision. We all do what we think is best for our flock. I do enjoy the shared info we get here though.
I feed mine alfalfa every week too, along with the layer pellets and oyster shell. They love the alfalfa, which is high in amino acids/proteins. I think it makes the eggs taste better, too. I hope your eggs start darkening!
I just buy the old fashion oats found in the cereal section at the grocery store. They only get a large handful each morning with a small handful of the BOSS. I buy ground kelp at the health food store and bulk pure alfalfa pellet (not rabbit pellet) at the feed store and grind it because it is too large for the chickens to eat it comfortably.
on the job, sheryl!

good to have the information on different feeds and supplements. I've just started growing purslane and another chicken forage mix for my chickens. They get veggie scraps when we have them. I should probably get some more for them. I've started giving a little BOSS in the morning. Candy, it sounds like you've got a good system going there for yours. Do you just give the old fashion oats to them as is-- i.e. raw? And what form is the alfalfa and kelp in?
I've just started growing purslane and another chicken forage mix for my chickens.

What a coincidence! I'm growing purslane and chicken forage, too! Lamb's quarter, especially. Actually, it's what I'm constantly weeding out of the gardens, and I collect it in a bag and throw it to the chickens. No shortage here! I don't spray Roundup... I grow the weeds out. Lol!

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