

I'm so sorry for the losses everyone is having these last few months. I'm very lucky my flock has the willow tree and sharon of roses bushes for their shade. I also soak the ground for them before I leave for work. Luckily they all stay outside unless they're broody or laying an egg.

I got the lab results today and I do have the disease. I'm figuring out what I want to do with myself now. I did found out there is a cure. I would need a liver transplant and the disease will be gone. So we shall see what I end up doing after all. I am so thankful I've learned of this before my grandchildren are harmed from this.
I walked over to check on Garden #2 this afternoon, and got really cranky for a moment. Someone had slung two full garbage bags over the fence. Then I looked closer and noticed they were full of coffee grounds!!!
LOL! I actually thought to myself about how you would wonder what the heck those bags were all about, hahaha. I caught my coworker taking those out to the dumpster and i ran after him with my arms flailing, haha "NOOOOO!!!!!!"
Im not going to lie, this statement has me slightly frightened...HAHAHAHA!!!!

Sheryl, Im so sorry to hear that you have it but what a relief to finally have some answers and start taking care of business.
LOL! I actually thought to myself about how you would wonder what the heck those bags were all about, hahaha. I caught my coworker taking those out to the dumpster and i ran after him with my arms flailing, haha "NOOOOO!!!!!!"

Im not going to lie, this statement has me slightly frightened...HAHAHAHA!!!!

Sheryl, Im so sorry to hear that you have it but what a relief to finally have some answers and start taking care of business.

Lol on running after the coffee grounds. That's kind of like the reaction we get when we ask others for their animals' poop. No, I don't have a garden. I'm starting a collection and I need horse turds to complete my beasts of burden series.

I told your coworker that two of them might be tough because they were trying to bolt, and she said, "Huh?" Maybe I should have told her that vegetables are like battery cage animals. To keep them tender, you keep them locked up so they don't bolt and run away.

Sheryl, sorry to hear that, but glad they have a cure. Can they transplant just a lobe of the liver, or does it need to be a whole organ?
Well here's my chicken count now.
13 adult leghorns (down from 23 due to predation and the couple drowning months ago)
2 Ameraucauna from Sunny (Peregrine my Lav roo is still stunning and just now crowing, the little girl with the cross beak is still hanging on)
5 Hens that were supposed to be leghorns but look a lot more like some kind of meatie cross to me.
11 Ameraucauna/EE's looks like I may get 4 hens out of these (hopefully Sunny's 3 were girls)
5 White Leghorn Pullets
6 Adult pearl grey Guineas ( they started laying again on day 2, they won't set eggs though. so anyone who wanted some would need to hatch there own)
3 guinea keets 2 blue and 1 white (we lost a white one due to heat)

My girls have been hiding under the deck all week. in an effort to help them stay cool I've been going out and hosing off the deck they hide under. trust me that many free range birds make a mess everyday and it cools off the ground underneath.

As for my garden the chickens have apparently eaten all the bugs and have now eaten every leaf or petal they could reach. So we'll see what kind of produce I actually get... My growing season is so weird anyway. I'm still getting lettuce and radishes, but my tomatoes and peppers are just now getting flowers, and I started them indoors in February!

Sorry I've been so absent I'm building a new coop and run off of my horse barn, utilizing a 12'x12' stall and adding a 16'x24' run. Not to mention the garden, horses, fencing, and resurfacing my basement.
OH Sheryl I'm so sorry. I'm happy you found it soon enough though and I hope everything turns out fine in the end. We're all thinking about you.

Grey eggs to Lavender or Purple = a rooster over that hen that came feom a very blue egg. Not green or greenish, it has to be blue to get it to the right shade. You can do this with pink egg layers too, so any hen that lays a pink. I'm trying to get some that are much deeper purple. We'll see what I get when all these pullets start laying. I don't know if I've gone in the right direction or if I've totally messed it all up. Can't not try though since I have gotten the lavender eggs.

Makayla and i went out to get the car washed and filled with gas and then we were going shopping for some basics I'm almost out of around here. I looked back and she was out before I even made it to the carwash from the gas station. I tried to wake her to see if she wanted a frutista and she kept saying no. Stopped at Starbucks for a frap and looked at my temps. Inside was 74 and outside was 101. I ran to the Quickstop and bought ice and came home. Filled jars with ice for the rabbits, soaked every bird I could and dumped and refiled the buckets in the dog run. By then I was too tired and hot to leave. Waiting for it to cool off. I just could go take care of things when my babies were home in this heat.
Well here's my chicken count now.
13 adult leghorns (down from 23 due to predation and the couple drowning months ago)
2 Ameraucauna from Sunny (Peregrine my Lav roo is still stunning and just now crowing, the little girl with the cross beak is still hanging on)
5 Hens that were supposed to be leghorns but look a lot more like some kind of meatie cross to me.
11 Ameraucauna/EE's looks like I may get 4 hens out of these (hopefully Sunny's 3 were girls)
5 White Leghorn Pullets
6 Adult pearl grey Guineas ( they started laying again on day 2, they won't set eggs though. so anyone who wanted some would need to hatch there own)
3 guinea keets 2 blue and 1 white (we lost a white one due to heat)

My girls have been hiding under the deck all week. in an effort to help them stay cool I've been going out and hosing off the deck they hide under. trust me that many free range birds make a mess everyday and it cools off the ground underneath.

As for my garden the chickens have apparently eaten all the bugs and have now eaten every leaf or petal they could reach. So we'll see what kind of produce I actually get... My growing season is so weird anyway. I'm still getting lettuce and radishes, but my tomatoes and peppers are just now getting flowers, and I started them indoors in February!

Sorry I've been so absent I'm building a new coop and run off of my horse barn, utilizing a 12'x12' stall and adding a 16'x24' run. Not to mention the garden, horses, fencing, and resurfacing my basement.

Hi Mandy!!! I have tons of unripe tomatoes, but there is going to be a lull in production. It's so hot that blossoms aren't setting. I'm mostly upset about my Gretel eggplant, since they just started to bloom. One blossom out of 10 has set. Booo! This growing season is odd, though. Early spring, now SUPER hot. Last year, the season started too late to get much. This year, it's long enough, but just too darn hot.

Sounds like you're up to your eyeballs in work!

BTW if there's anyone who doesn't know how to use shade cloth for their garden, especially nightshade plants (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers) it REALLY helps.
OH Sheryl I'm so sorry. I'm happy you found it soon enough though and I hope everything turns out fine in the end. We're all thinking about you.

Grey eggs to Lavender or Purple = a rooster over that hen that came feom a very blue egg. Not green or greenish, it has to be blue to get it to the right shade. You can do this with pink egg layers too, so any hen that lays a pink. I'm trying to get some that are much deeper purple. We'll see what I get when all these pullets start laying. I don't know if I've gone in the right direction or if I've totally messed it all up. Can't not try though since I have gotten the lavender eggs.

Makayla and i went out to get the car washed and filled with gas and then we were going shopping for some basics I'm almost out of around here. I looked back and she was out before I even made it to the carwash from the gas station. I tried to wake her to see if she wanted a frutista and she kept saying no. Stopped at Starbucks for a frap and looked at my temps. Inside was 74 and outside was 101. I ran to the Quickstop and bought ice and came home. Filled jars with ice for the rabbits, soaked every bird I could and dumped and refiled the buckets in the dog run. By then I was too tired and hot to leave. Waiting for it to cool off. I just could go take care of things when my babies were home in this heat.
oh no i wont be able to breed her, I was wondering how someone gets GREY eggs....This girl was supposed to be a marans ameraucana cross but this egg has got to be way too light for that
Hi Mandy!!! I have tons of unripe tomatoes, but there is going to be a lull in production. It's so hot that blossoms aren't setting. I'm mostly upset about my Gretel eggplant, since they just started to bloom. One blossom out of 10 has set. Booo! This growing season is odd, though. Early spring, now SUPER hot. Last year, the season started too late to get much. This year, it's long enough, but just too darn hot.

Sounds like you're up to your eyeballs in work!

BTW if there's anyone who doesn't know how to use shade cloth for their garden, especially nightshade plants (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers) it REALLY helps.
Hey Missy!

Ranches are ALWAYS work! Run down ranches.... Well lets just say I'm glad I own it because I'm NEVER moving after all this work. All of my squash (Zukes, summer, cukes etc...) had nice blossoms that set and my boring beefsteak tomatoes had orange fruit but my chickens discovered they could fly over the chicken wire. They even ate all the green peaches off my tree!!!

I caught something about another get together? Everyone is always welcome here. Although i know its a drive for some of you... I wanted to invite everyone for the 4th but I wasn't sure we'd see the fire works. We did though and they were nice. So everyone is invited for the 4th of July from now until forever. It's my favorite holliday, and I love to BBQ for a crowd.
oh no i wont be able to breed her, I was wondering how someone gets GREY eggs....This girl was supposed to be a marans ameraucana cross but this egg has got to be way too light for that
Someone else asked how to get the color.

BTW, woulld someone throw a few bags of grounds over MY fence???
oh no i wont be able to breed her, I was wondering how someone gets GREY eggs....This girl was supposed to be a marans ameraucana cross but this egg has got to be way too light for that

You know what ... I had a wheaten marans once and she laid eggs (on occasion) that were WAY lighter than they should have been. Have you tried wetting that gray egg? I ask because this wheaten girl of mine, when she was stressed in any way, would put a coating on the outside of the egg that disguised its true color. I could always tell when she was up tight. When her eggs went into the carton, after cleaning them, I would smear a very small amount of oil on the outside and rub it til it gleamed. Very lovely eggs she laid, except when she was stressed, but the color was only just hidden.

Perhaps with this heat, she is stressed and does the same thing? You still may have an olive egger... its worth a try.
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