
I just love little babies! Luv, luv, and luv!

Missy, just wait now on the eggs. It does sound like you saw the chick once it broke through the membrane. This is the critical part. They don't have much time now so keep an eye on them and mama too. She must stay with them now and not leave the nest. Bring her some water and see if she will drink. She might not though. Try to cool down the area since it's suppose to be 103 tomorrow. Let me know if I can help you at all. Either before or after I go to the doctor's. I would put the hose on top of the coop and let it run if you can. This will cool off the coop the best. I did it with my broodies and it worked.
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Just a few minutes ago, I went out to count chickens. Tom Ka Gai didn't look so good, so I took her off the nest and made her drink water. She stood there and drank for about 5 minutes. While she was off, I picked up the 3 eggs that are on Day 21 tomorrow, and inspected them. I heard peeping that was too young for my 12-wk-olds. It was the eggs. They were CHEEPING!!! Two of them were tapping at my hand through the shell!!! Tom went RIGHT back on the nest after her food and water. We'll see tomorrow if all 3 survive the hatching.​

Yippeee!! I was thinking they would start hatching today. With my broodies I didn't count the on and off the nest days when they were getting settled so I figured you were 18 days today after reading one of your earlier posts. Can't wait to see what you get!! Glad the partially blocking the nest worked.
I was going to put ice in the water several times tomorrow. I have a fan that I can put in the coop. She probably wouldn't appreciate ice packs in the nesting box, though.

I have 3 clients in a row, then I have to leave and go teach a lesson to the Boy Scouts. What a horrible day to be busy for such a chunk of time! Good thing I work from home!!!

ETA: I'm rethinking this ice pack idea. It's a pretty big nesting box. If she was a dog or cat, I'd bring her in the house until everyone was safe and healthy. Probably not a good idea for a chicken.
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I was going to put ice in the water several times tomorrow. I have a fan that I can put in the coop. She probably wouldn't appreciate ice packs in the nesting box, though.

I have 3 clients in a row, then I have to leave and go teach a lesson to the Boy Scouts. What a horrible day to be busy for such a chunk of time! Good thing I work from home!!!

ETA: I'm rethinking this ice pack idea. It's a pretty big nesting box. If she was a dog or cat, I'd bring her in the house until everyone was safe and healthy. Probably not a good idea for a chicken.
I wouldn't put an ice pack in the nest. Once the chick hatches, it may not stay under mama because of the heat. You wouldn't want it to get next to the ice pack. Not that it couldn't move away but... I just wouldn't do it. One reason maybe, is that the ice pack could fall over if its one of those square ones or roll over if its a bottle... just makes me cringe thinking about it.

What I would do, if they haven't hatched in the morning (if you're going out to check) is pour some warm water into the shavings below the eggs. That will give a more humid environment to facilitate hatching.
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I hot hen can bring a lot of humidity on her own. I've felt under mine and I think they know what they're doing. I have hens that disappear and show up with chicks too.

What you might want to do is freeze a milk container or something similar and if the box is covered, set it on top. It it's open and you're going to be adding a fan, just set the container behind the fan. Kind of work like the swamp coolers we've been talking about. I even did this when I tended bar and there was one door and no AC. Horrible, so I sent Bill to buy me 4 fans and we filled buckets with ice and sat them behind the fans.
good luck with the hatching, Missy! so exciting.

I'm so sorry for the losses everyone is having these last few months. I'm very lucky my flock has the willow tree and sharon of roses bushes for their shade. I also soak the ground for them before I leave for work. Luckily they all stay outside unless they're broody or laying an egg.

I got the lab results today and I do have the disease. I'm figuring out what I want to do with myself now. I did found out there is a cure. I would need a liver transplant and the disease will be gone. So we shall see what I end up doing after all. I am so thankful I've learned of this before my grandchildren are harmed from this.
so sorry, sheryl. I hope that you can get the right treatment and get better.
Lol on running after the coffee grounds. That's kind of like the reaction we get when we ask others for their animals' poop. No, I don't have a garden. I'm starting a collection and I need horse turds to complete my beasts of burden series.

Well here's my chicken count now.
13 adult leghorns (down from 23 due to predation and the couple drowning months ago)
2 Ameraucauna from Sunny (Peregrine my Lav roo is still stunning and just now crowing, the little girl with the cross beak is still hanging on)
5 Hens that were supposed to be leghorns but look a lot more like some kind of meatie cross to me.
11 Ameraucauna/EE's looks like I may get 4 hens out of these (hopefully Sunny's 3 were girls)
5 White Leghorn Pullets
6 Adult pearl grey Guineas ( they started laying again on day 2, they won't set eggs though. so anyone who wanted some would need to hatch there own)
3 guinea keets 2 blue and 1 white (we lost a white one due to heat)

My girls have been hiding under the deck all week. in an effort to help them stay cool I've been going out and hosing off the deck they hide under. trust me that many free range birds make a mess everyday and it cools off the ground underneath.

As for my garden the chickens have apparently eaten all the bugs and have now eaten every leaf or petal they could reach. So we'll see what kind of produce I actually get... My growing season is so weird anyway. I'm still getting lettuce and radishes, but my tomatoes and peppers are just now getting flowers, and I started them indoors in February!

Sorry I've been so absent I'm building a new coop and run off of my horse barn, utilizing a 12'x12' stall and adding a 16'x24' run. Not to mention the garden, horses, fencing, and resurfacing my basement.
you have quite the full house there and lots of work!
OH Sheryl I'm so sorry. I'm happy you found it soon enough though and I hope everything turns out fine in the end. We're all thinking about you.

Grey eggs to Lavender or Purple = a rooster over that hen that came feom a very blue egg. Not green or greenish, it has to be blue to get it to the right shade. You can do this with pink egg layers too, so any hen that lays a pink. I'm trying to get some that are much deeper purple. We'll see what I get when all these pullets start laying. I don't know if I've gone in the right direction or if I've totally messed it all up. Can't not try though since I have gotten the lavender eggs.

Makayla and i went out to get the car washed and filled with gas and then we were going shopping for some basics I'm almost out of around here. I looked back and she was out before I even made it to the carwash from the gas station. I tried to wake her to see if she wanted a frutista and she kept saying no. Stopped at Starbucks for a frap and looked at my temps. Inside was 74 and outside was 101. I ran to the Quickstop and bought ice and came home. Filled jars with ice for the rabbits, soaked every bird I could and dumped and refiled the buckets in the dog run. By then I was too tired and hot to leave. Waiting for it to cool off. I just could go take care of things when my babies were home in this heat.
hopefully the heat will break soon. it's so hard to have any energy when it's so hot.
I caught something about another get together? Everyone is always welcome here. Although i know its a drive for some of you... I wanted to invite everyone for the 4th but I wasn't sure we'd see the fire works. We did though and they were nice. So everyone is invited for the 4th of July from now until forever. It's my favorite holliday, and I love to BBQ for a crowd.
Sorry Tyler, my only experience with rabbits is hunting them, in which case the weapon of choice is a shotgun. But my turkeys and chickens I hang upside down and use a very sharp knife to cut the jugular. It's over quick!

Apparently you can hold them by the hind legs and snap the neck with the other hand, but I've never done it successfully (I must have weak wrists or something). The result was a screaming rabbit (horrific, actually) that had to be done in by other means and a swearing that I was NEVER going to dispatch of a rabbit that way again.

If possible, hang upside down, shoot in the forehead and then quickly slit the throat.

Do they have like little mini bolt guns?
And now on to, hopefully, more pleasant stuff.....

I'll add a prayer, too. The liver is a miraculous and fascinating organ and capable of regeneration of a lot from a bit. I hope there's a good donor match for you out there soonly so you can get on the road to recovery.

Grape leaves in pickles...I'm perplexed how that works. Do you wrap the cukes in the grape leaves or are the leaves just sort of floating about in the brine?

Not Nanners! I'm so sorry to hear that.....Dang. How come the rotten egg eaters don't just keel over? Or the ill-tempered roos? Why the ones with personality? Do post a pic of her stone. I have no doubt you'll do her justice in some fanciful way.

We tied a record in LV yesterday of 114 degrees here....more of the same today. Supposed chance of showers (and guaranteed humidity with a mild lessening of temps) for Thursday and Friday. Last night at 11:00 when we went to bed it was still 102. My dogs are inert and my yard wants to be crunchy.

Sounds like a send up to a joke of "How hot is it?" "It's so hot....."

1) ...the eggs are poaching themselves.

2) ....the habaneros are crying "Uncle!"

Anybody else?

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