
I have black, blue and splash in yard art and breeder qualities. Sorry, but I just don't have the numbers to breed as many as I need to in order to get a lot of "show quality." The ones I consider show quality, I will most likely be keeping. I'm not sure yet as to how many I have but if I have an abundance
, I'll let y'all know. Don't hold your breath. I do have brothers and sisters from one particular mating where ALL of the blues, so far, look really REALLY good. The black and splash siblings of these birds will be sold as breeders (best if not mated together).

Right now, my oldest birds are 12 weeks and I have them at all ages on down to those which are hatching today!

For those of you who have not seen a splash Andalusian, I'll try to post pictures later. I like their irregular pattern but some people don't. The blacks look like Minorcas (almost) but I'll post some pics of them as well. The blues always come with varying degrees of lacing.

Edited for conformity.
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Well I got to see Julie at the swap today, which was great. i also brought home one of her beautiful Dutch roosters. I know I didn't need another one, but he looks a lot like the Roo Ty had as a kid. He loved him so much. i also picked up 5 new pullets, 4 ameracaunas, and a white leghorn. We kind of need more girls. My count was 9 roo's to 25 hens. I think I will have to thin out some of my EE roo's eventually, but they're all so beautifull, and no one is fighting yet.
Oh, I LOOOOOOVE splashes!!! They're so hard to come by, though. I'd want a splash and a blue, both girls, 12 weeks if possible. And I'd like color patterns that are the most different from what I have... a splash that doesn't look like a dirty white chicken, for instance. A blue with dark lacing, since I already have a blue cochin and lavender ameraucana in the solid gray/blue categories. Do you have those available?
I have 3 that are about 17 weeks right now, and 9 that are 12 weeks. Then I have 8 laying hens, ages 10 months to 15 months. Some have a bit more attitude than others, including a SLW who feels it's her job to pick only anything smaller than her, but we don't keep meanies. I can take two birds, if that would make it easier. Right now, we have everyone but the new baby free-ranging in the yard together. It's a good-sized area, so the biggest squabbles would be at treat time and bedtime. I have a 6-foot fenced yard with no netting on top. So far it hasn't been a problem with my brabanter and leghorn, but they were introduced at 6 weeks, so I don't think they even realize there's anything outside the yard. Only one australorp has ever gotten out. I'm not against wing-cutting.

Yep, I have 3 pullets. There was a very high rooster count, but I got a lavender, a BLRW, and a buff x wheaten. There were a couple more lavender pullets in the group that I had to cull when they got sick. But out of the 8 lavenders you and Kirstie hatched, I only got 1 pullet and 5 roosters. Sheryl took a lavender, which turned out to be a girl, and Sunny took a lavender, but I don't know what gender that turned out to be. 1 pullet out of 3 buff x wheaten. Seth got luck of the draw when he picked his 6 wheatens and got 3 pullets, because the 2 that were left were cockerels. One BLRW out of 3 chicks. But I got one out of each that I wanted, except for the wheaten/BW. We can try for that next spring, if anyone else is interested in a chick run next year.

That's nice to know that I'll get two different colors. They lay later than most breeds, don't they? 8 months or so?
If you consider the pullets that you culled, the ones Seth got and the ones you gave to other people it was probably just a little higher than average percentage of roosters. You just weren't lucky this time around. Maybe you will have better luck next time
If it makes you feel any better, out of the 6 five week old BLRW chicks I hatched 5 are roosters. Just wait until the chicks under your broody hatch and see how many roosters show up
I will keep my fingers crossed that you get more pullets
I figure it's the Murphy's Law of chicken ownership. When I got excited about my cream brabanter, Russ told me not to love her too much or she would turn into a boy. It just means that I get to have more babies to try for what I really want, instead of getting them all the first time around. It keeps my egg layers in rotation that way.
Oh, I LOOOOOOVE splashes!!! They're so hard to come by, though. I'd want a splash and a blue, both girls, 12 weeks if possible. And I'd like color patterns that are the most different from what I have... a splash that doesn't look like a dirty white chicken, for instance. A blue with dark lacing, since I already have a blue cochin and lavender ameraucana in the solid gray/blue categories. Do you have those available?

Yes I do but I don't think I'll let any with dark lacing go. Those would be the show quality ones. I do have one little weirdo pullet who is blue but has a black patch on her chest. I've never had this happen before. I could take a pic of her tomorrow and post it for you. I don't think she's 12 weeks though. I'll have to check my records to see how old she is.

Perhaps I have a pullet with medium lacing. I'll have to check.
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Maybe we could meet up and I could see what you have available? A dark spot on the chest sounds fine to me.

I have a caged off area of the yard that they could live in for a few days, to get them used to everyone through the bars. I did this with the youngest chicks, and it helped a lot when they went out in the yard. They really didn't get picked on much at all. But they also kept to their own little group and had lots of areas to get away from the big girls. I could probably get away with younger chicks this way, too, as long as you know they're pullets.
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I'm back 300+ posts

who is selling what?
i have the urge to buy chickens and haven't ben able to.

has anybodys chickens from the ameracuana/maran/showgirl/wyandotte hatch gotton and egg from them?

how is everbody?
Someone asked for pricing so, here goes...

These prices are for...

Yard Art quality birds. Breeder quality


These prices will be for age of the bird at time of shipping or pick up or delivery, or however they leave my farm.

I have black, blue and splash in yard art and breeder qualities. Sorry, but I just don't have the numbers to breed as many as I need to in order to get a lot of "show quality." The ones I consider show quality, I will most likely be keeping. I'm not sure yet as to how many I have but if I have an abundance
, I'll let y'all know. Don't hold your breath. I do have brothers and sisters from one particular mating where ALL of the blues, so far, look really REALLY good. The black and splash siblings of these birds will be sold as breeders (best if not mated together).

Right now, my oldest birds are 12 weeks and I have them at all ages on down to those which are hatching today!

For those of you who have not seen a splash Andalusian, I'll try to post pictures later. I like their irregular pattern but some people don't. The blacks look like Minorcas (almost) but I'll post some pics of them as well. The blues always come with varying degrees of lacing.
anldasions right. I want 1 I want 1 I want 1 pick ME!!!!!!!!! oomg now i know how abury felt when she whent from 4 to what is 30 now?
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I'm back 300+ posts

who is selling what?
i have the urge to buy chickens and haven't ben able to.

has anybodys chickens from the ameracuana/maran/showgirl/wyandotte hatch gotton and egg from them?

how is everbody?

Elizabeth is getting marans eggs, but those chicks were about 4 weeks older than ours. I haven't gotten anything yet from this year's girls, even the wyandotte. Last year I got eggs in September from chicks hatched in April: faverolles and a Delaware.

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