
LOL! I think everyone makes that buttermilk-should-taste-fine mistake the first time out tasting it. Oops! Funny thing is.... I actually enjoy the taste of it now. And, yes, SUPERB for baking, especially biscuits.

One thing I've discovered is not all regular white flour is created equal. Down south (as in deep south) they use White Lilly or Martha Whites and -- wow! -- talk about light and fluffy biscuits. Found the same thing when making Navajo fry bread... You cannot beat Bluebird flour for it. Something in the proteins and texture, I think.
ok so one of my ameracuanas was laying this morning and every time i looked at her or got near her she screeched then i put an egg infront of her and she sat there and stared at it o a couple minutes then i took the egg and left. I came back afew hours later and she had layed the egg, but was still sitting there so i picted her up to check her vent and she farted in my face
why would she lay there for sooo long ?

I've seen quite a few of my girls do that. I get all concerned, but after an hour or so they're acting like normal. I check the vent to be sure, and they get all indignant... but are just fine.
ok so one of my ameracuanas was laying this morning and every time i looked at her or got near her she screeched then i put an egg infront of her and she sat there and stared at it o a couple minutes then i took the egg and left. I came back afew hours later and she had layed the egg, but was still sitting there so i picted her up to check her vent and she farted in my face
why would she lay there for sooo long ?
LOL! A lot of my younger layers get like that. I figure it's like being pee-shy. They just need some privacy for awhile.

...Don't know why this didn't quote correctly...
That pumpkin bread sounds fantastic. Well minus the peppers for me but the rest of it sounds wonderful. Yeah I have a whole area in my fridge for my different types of flour. Wheat flour, bread flour, pastry flour (also for cakes) and some plain ol' AP flour. I also have brown rice flour in the freezer for the few gluten free recipes. Any preference for different brands? Not that I need to buy more flour at this stage.

Hey when are you coming up again? I have Sahara's pink beanie and your new t-shirt here for you when you do.

Well Ron we fixed the driveway and cleared a swath on one side of the property so far. Even with Steve and I on the tractor it climbs that slope of ours really well. And it ripped up most of those huge bushes easily. I have learned though to raise my legs way up when I'm going over a really large thorny bush since it goes right by my legs before the dragger gets it! OUCH! Thank goodness I had thick jeans and boots on. I really love my new tractor!!!

We also got a start on the christmas lights today. Maybe we'll actually get to enjoy them for awhile this year. :D And! I got something done I've been putting off for ages! I got my recipe album done! Oh sorry, that means nothing to all of you that have not watched me fight with these 100s of loose recipes stuffed into an overflowing binder for the last 7 years. So you have no idea how big a deal this is. I am thrilled it is finally done!!! Oh and I made 2 clementine pies. OMG these things are dangerously good!

How did everyone else's weekend go? It was nice having such wonderful weather for the long weekend.
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Ten pages of scrolling.
Oh well, it could be a lot worse!
I'm totally down with that.
Missy, you are too good to me! I still need to see if I can go though :)
I had a lady who told me she came all the way from winamucca just to see if there was a showgirl there so i am happy i brought them

Anf rural chick those are newzealans or satins and move the female inside right before she has the babies and once they are warm in the nest box move her out

I am happy with my show performance my wheaton ameruacana won Champion jr. ASOB
Is that the same lady that asked if you bred them? And congrats!!! She was beautiful

I`ll come to the cookie exchange! And congrats seth! My little polish only got a first place.
Only got first place?! I don't know much about judging chickens, but I think first place is good in anything! haha, congratulations!
Hi Fellow Nevadans,

I just joined the site and love it. I'm in Fernley, NV (29 miles from Reno). I'd love to connect with anyone near me and talk chicken. I hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving.
Hope you can keep up with our posts here on the Nevada thread! haha
Hey Missy, just cuz you seemed interested... Heres a pic of a sultanXsilkie. (Chompy) still young- his feathers are incredibly soft

and a sultanXorpXameraucana (bedbug!) who turned out splash for some reason

too bad cuz i think the crosses would have made pretty hens.
They are so cute

The doors on the coop...

The only landscape I've ever done...

This was a surprise for a friend who does humanitarian work in Zambia. These boys were rescued from becoming soldiers and now live in an orphanage run by my friend's friend.

A Christmas present last year to a family that really helped us out...

My son at about age 10, and our dog Oh'no

My daughter at about age 8.

So pretty! I am so jealous of your amazing talent!!! And I remember seeing the painting of the African children in her house... My mouth dropped to the ground when I saw it

I finally got some more pics of the puppies. They are 3 months old now.

This is Apollo and Peaches. Peaches loves to roughhouse but Apollo is pretty laid back and would much rather hang by my side than run with his sisters.

This is Cricket. Another laid back puppy. She loves attention and will hang with me for quite awhile before scampering off to play.

This is Ladybug. She is the most rough and tumble of the group. She was very red/golden haired until just recently. All the lighter pups are starting to get their darker fur in on their backs and tails now.

At first I had the toughest time getting Ladybug to hold still for a photo. This is the look she gave me after being called for the umteenth time. lol She kept thinking I was calling her to play and quickly got annoyed with me when I instead stuck a camera in her face. That is Scarlett to the left and Peaches in the background.

This is Scarlett. She is the lightest colored of the bunch and will probably remain light tan colored on all but her back, top of tail and face. She is the dominant puppy and is very smart so it can be hard to fool her. She loves to run but also loves attention.

I am so surprised at how early their ears are standing up! They do flop this way and that yet (which is terribly entertaining for me but they don't seem to understand why I think it's so funny) but for 3 months old their ears are standing up really well! Scarlett was already sold but the folks that committed to her did not meet my standards. Am I being too picky? These folks worked long hours and they didn't have any other pets to keep her company. I can't stand the idea of an animal being alone for so many hours.
Puppies are the awesome
! I had a white german shepard mix, He was the best dog EVER!
That pumpkin bread sounds fantastic. Well minus the peppers for me but the rest of it sounds wonderful. Yeah I have a whole area in my fridge for my different types of flour. Wheat flour, bread flour, pastry flour (also for cakes) and some plain ol' AP flour. I also have brown rice flour in the freezer for the few gluten free recipes. Any preference for different brands? Not that I need to buy more flour at this stage.

Hey when are you coming up again? I have Sahara's pink beanie and your new t-shirt here for you when you do.

I haven't thought of that. We'll have to arrange something. It doesn't look like Russ is going to Ireland after all, so other than work and trying to complete projects here, things are freeing up a little bit. The cookie exchange might be the soonest, though. We're kind of buckling down for the winter as far as cost, and eliminating almost anything extra.
Puppies are the awesome
! I had a white german shepard mix, He was the best dog EVER!
We sure would love to have you for the cookie exchange. I hope you can come.
Aren't GSDs the best? So smart and so great around kids. Mine are the worst watch dogs ever though. They even like the UPS guy. lol I thought all dogs hated delivery drivers. Folks don't even honk when they drive up for us to put the dogs away. They all say they can tell they're friendly. lol Well at least they protect us from four legged predators.

I haven't thought of that. We'll have to arrange something. It doesn't look like Russ is going to Ireland after all, so other than work and trying to complete projects here, things are freeing up a little bit. The cookie exchange might be the soonest, though. We're kind of buckling down for the winter as far as cost, and eliminating almost anything extra.
Oh I meant if you were coming to work. Of course we will continue to pay you for any work. No worries though. We are getting a lot done around here on our own. Steve has had a couple of long weekends this month which helps a lot!
Well Ron we fixed the driveway and cleared a swath on one side of the property so far. Even with Steve and I on the tractor it climbs that slope of ours really well. And it ripped up most of those huge bushes easily. I have learned though to raise my legs way up when I'm going over a really large thorny bush since it goes right by my legs before the dragger gets it! OUCH! Thank goodness I had thick jeans and boots on. I really love my new tractor!!!
LOL on the running over bushes! Yep - the tractor doesn't care if your legs are in the way! I found that out the hard way, too.
I'm glad you're enjoying it - sounds like you're getting a lot done, too.

Missy your paintings are sooo beautiful! I love them!

Hey congrats on the new babies Aubrey! You must not be the same Aubrey that swore she was never going to raise chicks again.
We sure would love to have you for the cookie exchange. I hope you can come.
Aren't GSDs the best? So smart and so great around kids. Mine are the worst watch dogs ever though. They even like the UPS guy. lol I thought all dogs hated delivery drivers. Folks don't even honk when they drive up for us to put the dogs away. They all say they can tell they're friendly. lol Well at least they protect us from four legged predators.

Oh I meant if you were coming to work. Of course we will continue to pay you for any work. No worries though. We are getting a lot done around here on our own. Steve has had a couple of long weekends this month which helps a lot!

I could probably do something on Thursday the 6th, if you just want me. If you have stuff for the family, then this Saturday the 1st would work.

Missy your paintings are sooo beautiful! I love them!

Thank you! And thanks to everyone else who complimented them but I didn't respond earlier.
Hey what happened to Pam's new puppy that was supposed to be her by now?  Pam?

I was just coming on to share a pic. We're over the moon in love with her!

Introduced Kate to the farm, she stopped dead, turned and ran when she saw the horses but was fine when I put them nose to nose. She cried when she couldn't figure out how to get in with me and the chickens. She's snug in her crate with no objections. Been a long time since we've had a puppy....I know she's just exhausted from the long drive but so far so good!

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