
I didn't get pics of the peacocks cause they wouldn't come out early this morning but here's a couple of after pics.

Yes the coop is now on it's roof! The blocks you see behind it are what's left of it's foundation.
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Looks like we are all set for Saturday @ 2pm! The weather says we might get a few showers but it will be plenty warm enough that snow will not be an issue. I will keep my eyes on the weather report and update you all if that changes. I hope everyone knows that you are all invited! If you are coming and don't have my addy then shoot me a pm and I'll send it to you.

Peeps, vegaschick, and Pam you're all coming too right? JK, it sure would be fun to have everyone there but that's a heck of a drive for cookies. Not that our cookies aren't worth it.

I wish! I'm working 7 days a week now.....over 50 hours a week and that's just in the store, not what I have to do for the business when we're closed! Trust me, I wish I could drive to Reno for cookies!!!!!!
What?! I've made gluten free cookies and I've been so excited to give you your new t-shirt!

I'll have to recheck stuff. Honest answer, and this is NOT to garner sympathy or any of that. It's just the truth. We're so broke that the truck is completely out of gas, we have 3 prescriptions in need of a refill, the bank account is in the negative by hundreds of dollars, and I don't even have the spare money to buy a sack of flour for the cookies. I'm really glad I packed so much garden produce away, because we're eating healthy right now. I've cancelled 2 other holiday parties that I was supposed to bring food or white elephant gifts to, simply because I don't have a penny to spend on them and telling the hosts that I'm broke would create way too much drama and "Oh, poor you" reactions. We're just holding on tight and waiting for summer to come back around so we can walk more places, grow food again, and stop paying for the heating bill.

There. Whew.
LOL! I'm sure the cookies ARE worth it. However, I've got my company Xmas party Saturday night @ 6:00 pm.and so it might be a bit of a push... Sorry!
we'll raise a cookie to you and the others who can't come.
Oh, yeah, and... 16 eggs today! A new record! We have maybe 20 laying... probably closer to 17 or 18. We have 2 drakes, then 6 girls that haven't even started yet due to age or late maturity. At least 4 are in molt, and I swear my barred rock is laying despite a serious molt! Or maybe her eggs just look too much like Original's. Anyway... if anyone is looking to put a light in their coop, I can give you the link to these lightbulbs. Serious difference here.
congrats on all the eggs. I'm glad I put in a light too. it really bumped up our egg count.
I didn't get pics of the peacocks cause they wouldn't come out early this morning but here's a couple of after pics.

Yes the coop is now on it's roof! The blocks you see behind it are what's left of it's foundation.
oh how horrible!
I wish! I'm working 7 days a week now.....over 50 hours a week and that's just in the store, not what I have to do for the business when we're closed! Trust me, I wish I could drive to Reno for cookies!!!!!!
I hope you're getting enough rest!
I'll have to recheck stuff. Honest answer, and this is NOT to garner sympathy or any of that. It's just the truth. We're so broke that the truck is completely out of gas, we have 3 prescriptions in need of a refill, the bank account is in the negative by hundreds of dollars, and I don't even have the spare money to buy a sack of flour for the cookies. I'm really glad I packed so much garden produce away, because we're eating healthy right now. I've cancelled 2 other holiday parties that I was supposed to bring food or white elephant gifts to, simply because I don't have a penny to spend on them and telling the hosts that I'm broke would create way too much drama and "Oh, poor you" reactions. We're just holding on tight and waiting for summer to come back around so we can walk more places, grow food again, and stop paying for the heating bill.

There. Whew.
sorry things are so tight for you. I hope things pick up for you. we'll miss you if you don't make it out to the cookie exchange.
OK, it's not funny what happened to you Sunny (so sorry!), but that reply really cracked me up!

Cute kitties Rural Chic! Here's a picture of my furry little master, Phoebe.

ETA: I lost another - my one remaining SLW!
sorry you lost another one! It is uncanny how much Phoebe looks like my Chicharo.

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