
Sunny come look at my little cockerel and say pullet! I know better, but maybe you're good luck! LOL

Love the pics of the ice crystals! To bad I hate the cold so much.
I hate the cold too. Tonight while I was doing my chicken chores I was sure one of my fingers had frostbite on it, it hurt so bad! Last week I had to bring my metal waterer inside at night 3 times because it had frozen shut! (I dump my waterers at night to prevent mice getting them and to prevent freezing.)

I will be going to Stockton!
Taking a Golden Campine Cockerel, Pullet, and a Chamois Pullet! I've gone several times, and I can tell you people who haven't been there before, its so totally fun! The PPBA may well boast that it has the highest sales on the west coast, and it probably does, but in order to sell there you have to be a member of the club. As such, they also have the highest membership on the west coast.

Welcome to you two new members!

Sunny, when I read your embarrassing story, I about fell off my chair! Thanks for sharing!

Seth, congratulations on your rabbit kits! They are adorable!

Aubrey, very cute chicks!

Did I forget anyone? Sorry if I did.
Ohh a brand new coop to fill
Personally i would fill the big coop which holds 24 with
6 Black sex-links
6 gold sex-links
6 Brown sex-links
6 red sex-links
This would totally forfill productions
I would use the small coop for your silkies and for variety mix colors!!!
Remeber you can't get sexed silkies so either order more than six, Keep the roos, or get more later on
1 partridge silkie
1 white silkie
1 black silkie
1 self blue (lavender) silkie
1 red silkie
1 buff silkie
you could also get
blue and gray silkies
This is based on ideal poultries slection They have the largest of what you want that i have found
hope it helps
That is a good idea. I don't know if I can convince my husband to build two different runs though. Is it ok to keep silkies with bigger hens like rir's?
That is a good idea. I don't know if I can convince my husband to build two different runs though. Is it ok to keep silkies with bigger hens like rir's?
Yes, you just have to make sure the feeders and waterers are low enough so that the bantams can reach it. My brother keeps a bantam sussex in with his birds (americaunas, marans, and buckeyes) and he does fine.
Sunny come look at my little cockerel and say pullet! I know better, but maybe you're good luck! LOL

Love the pics of the ice crystals! To bad I hate the cold so much.
Thank you! Yeah this cold is getting really old. The snow is gorgeous but it is no fun when you have to be outside in it!!!
LOL sunny you TOTALLY should have said I told you so, HAHAHAHA!!!

Also my showgirl that I thought was a girl but everyone thought was a boy laid an egg so HA!
LOL! I wanted to! I remember you were the only one that guessed right on your showgirl! Now you are officially the showgirl expert around here. :D
I hate the cold too. Tonight while I was doing my chicken chores I was sure one of my fingers had frostbite on it, it hurt so bad! Last week I had to bring my metal waterer inside at night 3 times because it had frozen shut! (I dump my waterers at night to prevent mice getting them and to prevent freezing.)

I will be going to Stockton!
Taking a Golden Campine Cockerel, Pullet, anis Pullet! I've gone several times, and I can tell you people who haven't been there before, its so totally fun! The PPBA may well boast that it has the highest sales on the west coast, and it probably does, but in order to sell there you have to be a member of the club. As such, they also have the highest membership on the west coast.

Welcome to you two new members!

Sunny, when I read your embarrassing story, I about fell off my chair! Thanks for sharing!

Seth, congratulations on your rabbit kits! They are adorable!

Aubrey, very cute chicks!

Did I forget anyone? Sorry if I did.
You are probably right about the frostbite. I was watching the news and they said that frostbite can happen in just over a minute and it has been even colder there than it is here. Several mornings my feet felt like they had a bit of frostbite after 45 mins out in the snow taking care of critters. Takes forever to warm them up after that and if I tried to warm them too fast they hurt like someone was sticking dozens of needles into them!!! Gloves and shoes protect us some but it takes a while to take care of all the chickens and puppies up here.

SO COOL!! I want to go! You'll have a blast. Tell us all about it afterward. I'm still hoping a miracle will happen and we'll get to go but I don't see it happening unless the weather warms up a bunch. I had no idea you had to be a member to sell there.

You're welcome. If we can't laugh at ourselves...
That is a good idea. I don't know if I can convince my husband to build two different runs though. Is it ok to keep silkies with bigger hens like rir's?
Depends on the temperament of your birds. I've heard a lot of silkie owners talk about their silkies being attacked by the bigger birds. Apparently their fluffy top knot attracts pecking. Silkies have that vaulted skull, like polish, which makes them much more vulnerable. :(
That is a good idea. I don't know if I can convince my husband to build two different runs though. Is it ok to keep silkies with bigger hens like rir's?
I have an entirely mixed sizes flock and have been lucky enough to never have any issues. Best bet is to raise them together. However if you dont have two separate runs, your second coop will be pointless. They will all want to be in the same coop at night....Its really up to you. At least you know that if any problems DID arise youd have a backup coop that you could attach a small run to :)
OK we've lived here in the Reno area since 2005 and every time I've seen the effects of freezing fog I've wanted to take pics but the window of opportunity is so small and it always seemed like I was in a hurry and couldn't wait for the fog to lift or I got back too late when it had already started to melt. This morning when I first went out the fog was so thick I couldn't see the valley. But by the time I was halfway done with my chores the fog had started to lift so I ran in and grabbed my camera.

Sorry I can't share the sale quality photos here but here are a few cool pics of the ice crystals that formed. I wish I could have caught the full effect. The air was full of swirling ice particles that looked like super fine glitter floating through the air. Once the sun came out it was magical!

Oh Sunny, they're beautiful! I love ice photos! Thank you for sharing and adding the floating ice particles description, made me feel like I was there.

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