
She is definitely an Easter Egger, and a beauty at that. Love that green egg!
Thank you! She is the prettier of the girls (but don't tell them I said that!) and unfortunately is still skiddish of me :( Betty was one of my desert rescues, so she didn't grow up knowing me. Do you know how to tell the difference between an EE and an Americauna? I tried looking it up but there were so many conflicting opinions that I just gave up, LOL.
Thank you! She is the prettier of the girls (but don't tell them I said that!) and unfortunately is still skiddish of me :( Betty was one of my desert rescues, so she didn't grow up knowing me. Do you know how to tell the difference between an EE and an Americauna? I tried looking it up but there were so many conflicting opinions that I just gave up, LOL.
The easiest way to tell is if they are a standard Ameraucana color. If you go to the ABC website they have pictures of the accepted Ameraucana colors. Also read the standard. Green legs is a dead giveaway that it is an Easter Egger, plus the fact that it lays a green, not blue egg.
The only conflicting opinions are on the project colors and when you mix colors of pure Ameraucanas. The only sure way to get "pure" Ameraucanas is to purchase them from a well known breeder. You can not get pure Ameraucanas from the feed store.
Hi, everyone. I'm checking in. Life has been pretty crazy over here, but all in good ways. It looks like the board has slowed down a little bit. :=
But Sheryl and Chickee are definitely keeping it alive!
Is anyone heading out to the poultry show in Fallon on the 18, 19, or 20th? "The Magazine" has asked me to travel out and cover it. I'd love to meet up with a few people there.
JakesMama, cute new ducks!!! I love ducks, they're awesome.
I didn't even know there was a show out in Fallon, Missy, but I don't think I'll be going to that one. If I change my mind, would you like to say hey to me?
Thanks JakesMama. It's a lot of work keeping it all landscaped. All we heard when we got chickens was "They'll ruin your yard!" They haven't done any more damage than our dogs. Love when chicken-less people try to tell us what our flock will do. We love them and its like having a few dozen garbage disposals for leftovers from our garden. :)

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