
thanks, Sheryl! and no problem about no playground stuff. We just owe them a trip to a park today! they fell asleep on the way home or we would have stopped somewhere yesterday. they really did have a good time. We enjoyed all of you. Fun personalities! My husband enjoyed shooting the breeze. He is very outgoing as you could probably tell. I am more quiet but I enjoy listening to the conversations and putting my 2 cents in once in awhile.

Sorry to hear about your misbehaving Bella. Hopefully a lengthy timeout will help her shape up.

Yeah your Husband was really fun and you were soooo nice. I'm really glad we did the BBQ.

And Sheryl, just let me know when you give up on Bella and we can send her to bootcamp.

Genny where are you???
Thanks everyone, she's in the brooder still but isn't complaining at all. Everyone else is free ranging and running in and out of the coop trying to get their eggs out this morning. I hate having her in jail right now but she's must be knocked down a level so she will stop this aggressiveness that came out of no where fast. I guess she figured since no one else is aggressive then she can be not sure. The first time I picked her up and told her we don't do that she marked me as a predator and circled me with her 1 eye and making the danger call to everyone. All of the other birds stood in a corner not looking at us. So I picked her up again and took her to the brooder. She's never done that again to me. I'll keep my eye on her today and give her some outside time later on today and then back in she will go.

Woot a neighbor............just south of you in Sierra Ranchos.

We need pics when you get them!

Speaking of pics... Here's a pic of Samson and me!


I spoke too soon, today Samson has been at my side non-stop all day. I think Steve told him to!

We need pics when you get them!

Speaking of pics... Here's a pic of Samson and me!

I spoke too soon, today Samson has been at my side non-stop all day. I think Steve told him to!

Will do! I pick them up from Bridgeport on the 27th.

Sunny that is a GORGEOUS picture of the two of you!
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Thank you! To both of you. I appreciate that. Been packing most of today. I know I've probably packed something I'll need sometime this week.

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