
I've been travelin' hither and yon and so have just been in look-n-lurk mode, but I wanted to wish everybody Happy Holidays! I hope your Christmas was merry and bright! And that everyone is keeping warm!

We're back now in Henderson and hunkering down as the New Year's weekend revelers supposed to have a massive influx....nothing better than staying out of the way of those that start celebrating early and hard. Discovered two leaks under assorted sinks that sprang up while we were away (possible freezing...Now, who was it that turned the heat off to be thrifty?? Sigh... Live and learn) and so I have a couple of New Year's projects underway to tide me through the week.

I've taken up a new hobby... Lampworking. Took a couple of private lessons and now am booking studio time regularly to work with molten glass. I find it very relaxing and therapeutic as the concentration required tends to take one's mind off of things...It's also fascinating as you're never sure quite how things will turn out until after the beads and trinkekts have cooled and developed their colors. Mom got a necklace for Christmas this year made out of some nice (and no longer manufactured) Italian glass... It's a step up from the last necklace I made her eons ago which was composed of macaroni. I've got another necklace or two on commision and then will get to work on a couple of my projects which are country-themed.

Have a safe and sane New Year's!

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope it was perfect for everyone!
Ours was great! Kinda spread out to accommodate everyone's schedules but that just meant we got to celebrate much longer! Loved it. :D How was yours?
519 posts on here that I don't think I'll even try to catch up on. LOL

Just wanted to stop in and say hello and I hope you all had a great Christmas.

Can't wait till I have less to do and can hang out on here more. I miss being on BYC 24/7 . Hope everyone is doing well.

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a GREAT grandmother now!!!!!!
I don't blame you for not trying to catch up. I won't post the same congratulations here since I posted them on the CA thread but you know how happy I am for you!
My crazy chickens are out in the snow...
A little snow won't hurt them.
Wow! Congratualtions Kim! But, you must be teasing us right? No way you could be that old!
Haha! She's younger than I am! Our kids just started late so our oldest Grandchild is only 6.
Kim, he's adorable!

Ok, Reno (and nearby) gardeners... it seems early to talk about this already, but I wanted to put in my potato order by mid-February if we could. Some of these awesome varieties sell out fast. If you want in on this group order, I'm just asking everyone to 1) prepay, please 2) chip in about $1/lb for shipping. If we get enough ordered, the shipping costs will go down and we might be able to split it up to be even less. If you see a variety that you want and you don't want the entire bag, that's fine because someone else will surely want the rest. Heck, I'd just plant the rest in my garden, or something. Just let me know what you want and how much, and we'll figure out the cost.

This is where I'm ordering. I tried out about 6 of her varieties last year and was impressed with the quality. PM me if you're interested in sharing anything.

I'm probably going to make a group order to Tomato Growers or Territorial, too, if anyone else wants in on it. Territorial has a flat shipping rate, so group orders win.
Missy do you still have my order from a month or so ago or do I need to look again?

I've been travelin' hither and yon and so have just been in look-n-lurk mode, but I wanted to wish everybody Happy Holidays! I hope your Christmas was merry and bright! And that everyone is keeping warm!

We're back now in Henderson and hunkering down as the New Year's weekend revelers supposed to have a massive influx....nothing better than staying out of the way of those that start celebrating early and hard. Discovered two leaks under assorted sinks that sprang up while we were away (possible freezing...Now, who was it that turned the heat off to be thrifty?? Sigh... Live and learn) and so I have a couple of New Year's projects underway to tide me through the week.

I've taken up a new hobby... Lampworking. Took a couple of private lessons and now am booking studio time regularly to work with molten glass. I find it very relaxing and therapeutic as the concentration required tends to take one's mind off of things...It's also fascinating as you're never sure quite how things will turn out until after the beads and trinkekts have cooled and developed their colors. Mom got a necklace for Christmas this year made out of some nice (and no longer manufactured) Italian glass... It's a step up from the last necklace I made her eons ago which was composed of macaroni. I've got another necklace or two on commision and then will get to work on a couple of my projects which are country-themed.

Have a safe and sane New Year's!

Welcome home! Sounds like a busy holiday season for you. We've had company coming and going for the last 2 weeks so we are relaxing today since the last visitor left about an hour ago.

Love the pics! One of my favorite things on this thread is when I get to see pics of the projects you are all working on!
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I've been travelin' hither and yon and so have just been in look-n-lurk mode, but I wanted to wish everybody Happy Holidays! I hope your Christmas was merry and bright! And that everyone is keeping warm!

We're back now in Henderson and hunkering down as the New Year's weekend revelers supposed to have a massive influx....nothing better than staying out of the way of those that start celebrating early and hard. Discovered two leaks under assorted sinks that sprang up while we were away (possible freezing...Now, who was it that turned the heat off to be thrifty?? Sigh... Live and learn) and so I have a couple of New Year's projects underway to tide me through the week.

I've taken up a new hobby... Lampworking. Took a couple of private lessons and now am booking studio time regularly to work with molten glass. I find it very relaxing and therapeutic as the concentration required tends to take one's mind off of things...It's also fascinating as you're never sure quite how things will turn out until after the beads and trinkekts have cooled and developed their colors. Mom got a necklace for Christmas this year made out of some nice (and no longer manufactured) Italian glass... It's a step up from the last necklace I made her eons ago which was composed of macaroni. I've got another necklace or two on commision and then will get to work on a couple of my projects which are country-themed.

Have a safe and sane New Year's!
Yeah I did that once (turned the heat completely off) and came home to a huge mess! That was 25 years ago - now what I do is turn the heat down to 55 before I leave for an exteneded period. Still saves you money on heating but doesn't cause any freezing disasters!

Awesome necklaces. Where does the "lampworking" come in?

ETA: Just looked it up. For those who didn't, the "lamp" is used to heat the glass. Also known as flameworking or torchworking.
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well my show girl is no longer broody but my third amercuana decided to start the second she stopped so no more blue eggs just three angry broodies
Beautiful! I love it!

If I do, it's buried in the pile of PMs I have, and I didn't find it on a quick perusal. Do you mind sending it again? She also added 5 more varieties.
No I posted it here on the thread. I should have left it in a pm, it would have been much easier to find. But if she has new varieties I'll want to go look again anyway. :D
Yeah I did that once (turned the heat completely off) and came home to a huge mess! That was 25 years ago - now what I do is turn the heat down to 55 before I leave for an exteneded period. Still saves you money on heating but doesn't cause any freezing disasters!

Awesome necklaces. Where does the "lampworking" come in?

ETA: Just looked it up. For those who didn't, the "lamp" is used to heat the glass. Also known as flameworking or torchworking.
I keep my heat at 55 too when away. I don't want my houseplants to freeze either.

Thanks for looking up lampworking for us. I assumed it was about making lamps too until she showed the pics. lol I assumed then it was about the heating process but was too lazy to look it up.
Thought I`d share this with y`all

Thought I`d share this with y`all

I absolutely LOVE this and am wondering how long it took them to make...

Anyway just popped in to say Hi and hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Years Eve party or get together.
I miss reading all the daily posts but have been too busy at work with inventory and home with holidays to really sit and read, what was it 65 posts?, so i'll skip all that.
If there was anything important I may have missed and needed to see please sent me a personal note.
I absolutely LOVE this and am wondering how long it took them to make...

Anyway just popped in to say Hi and hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Years Eve party or get together.
I miss reading all the daily posts but have been too busy at work with inventory and home with holidays to really sit and read, what was it 65 posts?, so i'll skip all that.
If there was anything important I may have missed and needed to see please sent me a personal note.
I don't think we talked about anything super important. Mostly about why we all haven't been checking in that often.

Let's see... Mandy is expecting another precious addition to her family, Kim is now a Great Grandmother, Pam has an adorable new puppy and Missy is taking names for anyone that wants to go in on a potato order. I think that's the highlights but it's entirely possible I've forgotten something important... anyone else?
Love the snowmen! LOL

Speaking of jewelry ........BTW.....You guys didn't know what lampwork was??????? Sunny, what did you ever make with your feathers and the stuff I sent? Were you able to use everything? I was hoping for pics, or did I miss them??

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