
Sounds like everyone had a great time at the BBQ. I definitely want to go to the next one.

Sunny - Sampson is GOURGOUS. I love GSD's. How old is he?

HorseFeatherz - Howdy neighbor.
Do you have horses too?

Elizabeth - Thank you so much. Chocolatechickens in Sacramento will be putting 12 eggs in the incubator for me this week and I will pick them up when they hatch..
I might be interested in selling 1 of the Silver Laced Wyandottes. My Black Australorps are 6 years old so I don;t think you would want them.

That's great! If I get fancy and want some like that, it's good to know there's a source not too far away. I'm getting some chicks so it probably wouldn't be good to get just 1 big hen now that I think about it.

that will be so fun to see your new chicks. you will have to post pictures!

Thank you Jen! He is 9 months old.
I am so pleased with him! I've been wanting another GSD for so long now!

Sheryl, I'll have to wait and see how the move and the coop building goes before I can commit to anything in September. We are kinda overloaded with projects right now. I plan to be at the chicken show in November though!
BTW, I hope you're right about Samson not being his full height yet. If he were just a few inches taller I could pet him without having to bend over and that would be so much easier on my back!
Right now I have put him on a high calorie diet because he is so terribly thin! The guy we got him from said he does not eat well and he is right. I am having to doctor his food to get him to eat it but at his weight a little gravy with every meal isn't going to hurt him any.

Genny you were right!!! Tonight Samson gave us 2 short alert barks! He just needed to settle in and start to feel more comfortable. Even the neighbor remarked on how odd it was that he wasn't barking at all! When all the neighbor dogs were having fits he was quiet as a mouse. He ran to the window earlier tonight and let out one soft bark (a real one not that whiney yipping thing) and then spun and looked at me like he was afraid he was in trouble! When I said "good dog!" he started wagging his tail, turned to the window and let out one more bark just to hear me praise him again. I think he must have gotten in trouble when he barked before and that's why he wouldn't even alert bark. I'm much happier knowing that he will let us know when someone is approaching now.

Well, goodnight all. I'm gonna try to get some quality ZZZs tonight for a change.
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Boy, be gone a week at the fair and I am totally lost! I just follow along and see what everyone is up to.

We took 4 chickens to the middle son won his showmanship class and the 5 month old cockerall was best of show standard breed. While we were gone, 3 of the 4 eggs under the broody hatched. So cute to see the chicks peeking out from under mama. Looks like 2 pullets and another cockerall. Was hoping for 3 pullets, dang! Will try to get pics to post.
I think that sounds like a good idea.
Are we wanting to do a potluck at the APA show in November?

I don't think that would be a good idea for this event but if everyone who's going wants to do something then I'm all for it but I don't think we would have a lot of room and we do want to promote BYC as well. How are you doing with a letter for it? I wish I could write well but I really don't, I make tons of mistakes and people must proof read what I write because I can't proof read my own but I'm good at proof reading others.

Funny thing about that letter. I haven't started it.
I'll start it right now though.

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