
We live in the Lakeridge Shores area. All I know is, I will never buy a house in an HOA and I don't like having neighbors! I miss living in the middle of nowhere Canada at times. We never had to worry about any of this before we moved away.

I think I remember someone asking about rabbit photos? Here are a few of mine:

Those are three of my bucks from when I first got them. They're in separate cages now. They're just over 5 months old in this photo.

This is my doe, and she's 8 weeks in this photo.

ETA - Finally got the photos to work!

Nope - I didn't do those but I do agree with you about living in an HOA area. When we were looking to buy our house that was a main issue with us to make sure we didn't buy a house that would have one of these in place.
Has anyone here ever raised a single chick?

I have a story to tell, then I could use some advice if anyone can provide it.

I have four Buff Orpingtons. I thought they were all hens for the first year, then one of them crowed. Looks like a hen but crows. Anyway, he crowed about three times in one week, when he was about a year old, and I haven't heard anything out of him since. Then I started getting fertile eggs from the hens, that and after watching them interact combined with the fact that I only ever got three eggs each day, I realized he is in fact a rooster.

Now, one of the hens, always the same one, goes broody twice each year without fail, but has never hatched anything. The eggs she sits always turn up missing after a about 5-6 weeks unless I take them away from her, first.

This year I purchased a Hovabator when she went broody. I was determined to let her have chicks to raise. So I let her set some and took some from her to put in the bator. At one point, she stepped on one of the eggs I had left under her and there had been a chick forming in it. She seemed so upset. It almost looked like she was trying to put it back together. So I took the remaining four eggs and candled them. None of them looked fertile, and when I opened them, they were definitely spoiled, so out to the compost bin with them. But, at this point, I still have three eggs in the bator. One exploded a day later and caused me to have to sterilize it in midstream. Another smelled bad, so I pitched it as well. Now I am down to one, and it looks like it is developing. Yep, four days later we have a chick hatch. Oh lord, now what?

I have always raised chicks in groups that I purchased. Now, I have one little chick who is so lonely it acts like it is going crazy at times. Since the hen left her nest after I took the eggs from her, I cannot give it back to her. She will most likely kill it. It is very active and healthy, but the constant peeping and pacing makes me feel bad for it and is a bit hard on the ears, but I cannot put it outside of earshot.

Let me just say, this is way harder then dealing with a group of chicks. How do I help this little one feel secure and content?

She should be fine on her own. I had this happen a couple times, and for the first few days they became 'pocket peeps'. They'll just be really bonded to you instead of the other chickens. How far do you live from Reno? I can give you a couple of Yoshi's chicks instead, if you dont want to raise just one.
Guys, I'll have to get pic of everything tomorrow. Yoshi wasnt moving this morning, and I didnt want to push it. And I totally forgot about the rabbits until Kaichai posted hers, and my camera's being borrowed!!
I really appreciate the offer, but I live on the southern end of the state near Las Vegas. If it will be okay, I guess I'll just have to deal. My Husband just took a mechanical pool toy from our Grandson's toy box and wrapped it in felt. When we turn it on, it gently flops up and down and makes a whirring noise. The chick does get quiet as long as we leave it turned on. It is really funny to watch. He got right up on top of it and went to sleep. I guess he just wanted to have contact with something that feels alive. In any case, for the last half hour, we have had a quiet peaceful house. I just hope the batteries last a long time.
I really appreciate the offer, but I live on the southern end of the state near Las Vegas. If it will be okay, I guess I'll just have to deal. My Husband just took a mechanical pool toy from our Grandson's toy box and wrapped it in felt. When we turn it on, it gently flops up and down and makes a whirring noise. The chick does get quiet as long as we leave it turned on. It is really funny to watch. He got right up on top of it and went to sleep. I guess he just wanted to have contact with something that feels alive. In any case, for the last half hour, we have had a quiet peaceful house. I just hope the batteries last a long time.

I was going to suggest you put something in the brooder like a feather duster or something similar, so it thinks it has a mom.
If anyone is interested...I have Welsh Harlequin ducks for sale. New ducklings for $5. 4-5 month old ducklings $25 for females & $10 for males. $30 for a pair.

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Hay Lacey,

Yes, I do bread the Welsh Harlequins. Also Easter Eggers & this year I tried a few Partridge Rock. No chickens for sale this year though but lots of ducks.
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Oh Lacey! You're breaking my heart! Raiders?

Okay. I've got Raiders shirts, keychians, stickers, and a huge amazing Raiders comforter on my gotta problem with Raiders Sunny?

Well I'm a Niner fan and if you knew all the problems we've had at "The Stick" from their fans you'd understand. Still after they got Jerry Rice, my heart softened a little. I did love Jerry! Seriously I have friends in the Bay Area that are Raider fans and are embarrassed to death to admit it sometimes because of how horrible a lot of the Raider fans are!
It's a shame they can't just relax and let folks enjoy the game. I mean seriously! What possible threat are the Niners to any team these days!
That has nothing to do with you though! I know you've got much more class.

Genny you crack me up! You're such a softee!

Beckycs I've been there, don't wanna go there again. They really are social creatures and don't do well alone. Lacey is right you kinda have to step in as foster Mom and let them bond to you instead. I've even heard of women carrying them around in their bras (No I've never done this, I keep imagining poop in sacred places
) but I'm afraid I'm not that committed a chicken mom! They need too much attention for me. I usually just track down a chick or two to add to the brooder.

Hey Heather!!! Haven't heard from you in ages! How is the Hubby and the Kiddos?

Hi Sam! Thanks for stopping in to say Hi! Yes I am adding you to the OP, even if you are just saying Hi cause I bugged you to.
's Nevada thread!

Hi Sheryl! We hope to stop by the Rib Fest tomorrow. Any advice on who has the best ribs this year?

Adorable rabbits kaichai! Love the pics!
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