
Hey Missy, just cuz you seemed interested... Heres a pic of a sultanXsilkie. (Chompy) still young- his feathers are incredibly soft

and a sultanXorpXameraucana (bedbug!) who turned out splash for some reason

too bad cuz i think the crosses would have made pretty hens.
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Yep, I think that's when I finally "got it" when it came to cooking.  When I could just remember a recipe by a few key ingredients, and the rest fell into place because... that's just what happened with those ingredients!  Bread ingredients became interchangeable as long as you had an oil, a yeast, a sugar, a liquid, a salt, and a flour.

Yep. You just need the correct ratios of moisture, leavening and dry ingredients. Pretty basic really. When you like to eat as much as I do but you are just as picky as I am it is a great motivator! lol
Hey Missy, just cuz you seemed interested... Heres a pic of a sultanXsilkie. (Chompy) still young- his feathers are incredibly soft

and a sultanXorpXameraucana (bedbug!) who turned out splash for some reason

too bad cuz i think the crosses would have made pretty hens.

Cute pics!  Seriously you have the worst luck with getting all boys from your chicks!
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Yep. You just need the correct ratios of moisture, leavening and dry ingredients. Pretty basic really. When you like to eat as much as I do but you are just as picky as I am it is a great motivator! lol

And when you get to be enough of a foodie, all the commercial versions just don't taste good enough. It's so much easier and tastier to just make it yourself! There are so many things I've eaten in restaurants or from a package lately that leave me so... unsatisfied. And when it comes to making certain foods... like biscuits. Same baking time, and the time it takes to mix them up takes less time than running to the store!
Hmmm I can't figure out why my husband and I are such hefty people! Lol!

Aubrey, they're so adorable!!! I love my silky and fluffy chickens. Though General Tso my fluffychunk cochin isn't too keen about cuddling. She's getting closer to laying, so she's not quite as wild.
And when you get to be enough of a foodie, all the commercial versions just don't taste good enough.  It's so much easier and tastier to just make it yourself!  There are so many things I've eaten in restaurants or from a package lately that leave me so... unsatisfied.  And when it comes to making certain foods... like biscuits.  Same baking time, and the time it takes to mix them up takes less time than running to the store!  
:idunno   Hmmm I can't figure out why my husband and I are such hefty people!  Lol!

You are not hefty people! I don't know about easier to do it yourself... maybe if my back weren't old and crapped out it would be easier but these days I force myself to do it anyway cause I'm just so picky. :/ Bit I was picky even before I learned to cook. I always say that's why I learned. lol Besides fast food isn't lower in calories than home cooking.

Anyway, back to what I came on here for...

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!! Hope everyone is having a great day! We are stuffed and just digesting at this point. LOL
my biscuits never turn out well. They are always hard as a rock and just as dry.

I have my dad's buttermilk biscuit recipe, and that's the only thing I use anymore. If I don't have buttermilk, I'll substitute homemade yogurt, but otherwise we stick to the recipe. Most other biscuits I've tasted are too dry for me, as well. But we also cook the biscuits just a tiny bit underdone, and cut them extra thick, to keep them nice and moist.

You are not hefty people! I don't know about easier to do it yourself... maybe if my back weren't old and crapped out it would be easier but these days I force myself to do it anyway cause I'm just so picky.
Bit I was picky even before I learned to cook. I always say that's why I learned. lol Besides fast food isn't lower in calories than home cooking.
Anyway, back to what I came on here for...
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!! Hope everyone is having a great day! We are stuffed and just digesting at this point. LOL

Lol yeah I think that's exactly my reasoning as well. Maybe, in my mind, I justify the flavor so much that I tell myself it's easier, because I've been doing it for so long.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!!

Missy, you do custom paintings for people?

I do! Lately I haven't had any commissioned, but I've done quite a few. And right now is painting season. (To everything there is a season... lol.) I won't be planting anything until March, so I have time to get stuff done. Do you want samples of my work?
I have my dad's buttermilk biscuit recipe, and that's the only thing I use anymore.  If I don't have buttermilk, I'll substitute homemade yogurt, but otherwise we stick to the recipe.  Most other biscuits I've tasted are too dry for me, as well.  But we also cook the biscuits just a tiny bit underdone, and cut them extra thick, to keep them nice and moist.

Lol yeah I think that's exactly my reasoning as well.  Maybe, in my mind, I justify the flavor so much that I tell myself it's easier, because I've been doing it for so long.

Yep every baker knows that for moist cakes, biscuits, even pancakes, buttermilk is the way to go! Nothing else makes things quite as moist. Funny how I hate the taste of buttermilk by itself but love, love, love it in baked goods. There are other ways to moisten breads etc but in my experience nothing beats buttermilk.

No, I thought it was easy before my back went too. It really is hard work but I love it so much that it doesn't seem like work, or it didn't before anyway. I always wanted to open my own restaurant/bakery and seriously looked into it in the early 80s. The only reason I didn't was because of the horrible profit margin. As much as I love to cook and bake I also didn't want to kill myself in a business that so rarely makes a decent profit. I opened a flower shop instead and did quite well. A lot more profit in flowers. Well at least there used to be.

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