Never ask a favor of your wife...


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Yesterday, I asked my wife to run to town to pick up my new cell phone. Unfortunately the night previous I dropped my phone and the screen shattered. Luckily, we have some very good friends that had the same phone I did so we were able to get it from them. So, my wife heads out to get the phone and while she is there, our friend gets a phone call from the Post Office. Her baby ducks are in. Apparently, she over ordered for fear that some might die in transit and to make a long story short, my wife came home with a cell phone for me, a kitten for my daughter and a baby duck. Oh and one more thing, a speeding ticket.

So, now we have a baby duck to go along with our new chicken friends. I plan on keeping the duck in a brooder until it is old enough to head outside. But I don't know if I can mix it in with our chicken flock later in life. I would love to be able to have it integrate with our chickens but I don't know if we should.

BTW, the duck is amazingly cute with the kids. They have been playing with it non-stop. It follows them around the yard and is quite cute with them. I can see why my wife decided to bring it home, it is certainly adorable.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Don't send your wife out to do errands alone anymore
LOL!!!! I'm a wife and I would never do such a thing!! Well I wouldn't do such a thing AGAIN!! LOL!! I learnd my lesson on speeding so no more of that. I do want to get some more chickens but I'm waiting on the weather to get warmer and we have 7 ducks so I should be fine untill they lay eggs and hopefully we have at least one drake to breed
. We got our chicks and ducks from the same store and kept them in different brooders untill it was nice enough to put them all outside. Our initial plan was to separate them in the pen but then we decided to just let them run around w/eachother. The Ducks for the most part stay w/eachother and hardly socialize w/the chickens but they do well together. We are giving them "All Flock" its a mulitipurpose feed for all birds. They do get along pretty well and I have heard that broody chickens will take the baby ducks under their wing so to speak and raise them so there shouldn't be any problem keeping them together. Hope that helped!!
Oh yes!! I forgot about that Ducks are really really social creatures and they like being around their own kind ( thats why my duckies don't mingle w/my chicks lol) So you should get aleast 1-2 more friends so it wont be sad. Best of luck to you and your wifey!!

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