New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

You know, Amy, one of the Three Sisters is damaged badly anyway--the deceased former owner of this place did target practice from the deck and shot the trunk to pieces in one location. And they are getting in the way of Tom's satellite reception so he is thinking about removing them. I'd rather he leave at least one of them since they are big old oaks, not scrubby things like some people have around here.

As far as size, I was thinking maybe 4x6 or similar for the building since I can't see ever having more than a dozen porcelain D'Anvers at a time. I want the pen to to all the way from the building to where you see those wire shelf units we were using as a barrier.
That first coop pictured looks like a great idea. You could allow access to a larger covered pen and then close them in the smaller pen/coop in the evening or inclement weather. And you sure seem to be sharing some of our lousy Yankee weather.
That's going to be great!
medtec113, love your coop! Great job! I actually remember seeing it before. Very, very nice. I guess some of the way my bantam coop ends up with be determined by the materials we can scrounge, but I want it to look nice. We have one little coop we call The Firetower, but a broody and her babies are in there at the moment. It's not quite as easy to get into as the new one I envision, though it's not terrible, just requires a bit of twisting to really get inside and clean well. I want the new one to be very easy to access every part of the interior.
What a beautiful setting for your new coop, Speckledhen.
I saw the little d'anvers for the first time at a show a few weeks ago. They are adorable and have such spunky little personalities. Typical bantam-weigh about a pound and think they are 10 feet tall.

I love the little coop design you are looking at-it would be perfect for banties.
Good luck with the new coop and the your new banties.

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