New Anti-Spam System

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Yes, spam is usually advertisements. It has to do with new members because spammers register, post as much spam as possible, and leave. They usually do it very quickly.
Thanks, being fairly new to computers I have alot to learn..
Ads and spam are very different, but sometimes the same.

Much of spam is ads, but not all ads are spam. Spam can be phishing schemes, ads, scams, etc. Basically spam is "the use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately."

When we use the term "spammers" here, it means someone who joins BYC with the main intent of soliciting sales and making posts with links to products or services. They have no desire to be part of our community, but just want to "spam" the forum.

Ads (advertisements) are deployed throughout BYC to help defray the many costs associated with running such a large site (servers, server administrators, programmers, designers, etc.)
Hey Nifty, could you edit the title to also say Attention New Members and keep this bumped up a bit? Or are the new members being told why they can't post pics right away? I've seen several new people confused and frustrated, as well as older members not realizing that the system has been changed.

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Hi Nifty,
I am a newbie and I experienced a complete computer shutdown last weekend. I think there was a bad bug circulating in the BYC system. Hope it is gone now.
This is not the the very contageous hatchatitus which I also caught.

2 eggs in a box and a 1588 coming via UPS.
I saw it too. But I noticed that the Toyota ad only shows up between the original post and the first response, and ONLY when I am not logged in. I'm fairly certain it's a legitimate google ad, not spam.
How about it admin?
Whoops, sorry, I thought I had announced it already.

With all the other changes and upgrades to the system we also added an ad after the first posts for guests only. These are ads provided by Google's ad network.
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