New birds

What is wrong with EE's? I don't show them but have several. I love them. They are easy keepers with lots of personality.
What is wrong with EE's? I don't show them but have several. I love them. They are easy keepers with lots of personality.

You are correct - EEs make great backyard layers and pets. For anyone who is wanting to keep exhibition birds, real dual purpose fowl, or just interested in supporting a somewhat rare breed, Ameraucanas would be the better choice.
What is wrong with EE's? I don't show them but have several. I love them. They are easy keepers with lots of personality.

Most of us here love our Easter eggers. I like them cause I like a variety of feather color, where if you do Ameraucana you have the same colors. I also like the range of egg color, the different blues and greens make a wonderful egg basket.

But, folks looking for pure Ameraucana or Aracauna have a hard time finding those birds, as the OP is realizing. It gets very frustrating for folks looking for quality birds.

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