New Borotto Real 24 incubator review

Singing Cricket

In the Brooder
Dec 18, 2020
Hi everyone, I’m a newbie here. I saw there were only a couple of threads about the Borotto incubators so thought I’d put up something as I do my first run of eggs in my new incubator.
I have been using a Janoel 24, it has been reasonably successful so far though it’s thermometer and heating element aren’t quite right. Over the past month or so I have been having to turn the Janoel off for 10-15 minutes and back on again about 2-4 times a day because it’s overheating. Once the ambient outside temp reaches 32C the internal thermometer doesn’t like it and the incubator will heat up to around 39-40C.
I am aware that the Borotto manual says to use it in air temps of 20-25C but unless I have air conditioning that is not possible, even our winters here would be hard to manage that!

So I took the plunge and bought myself a Borotto real 24 with automatic egg turner. Just from the initial unboxing and looking at it, the build quality looks superior to the Janoel. I also like that the eggs have their own individual cups to sit in that then tilt. I find in the Janoel, the eggs can bunch up to one side of their tray and it prevents them turning as easily.
I also ordered some eggs that arrived the same day as the incubator. So I’ve got 6 x Plymouth Rock and 3 x Rhode Island Red chicken eggs and 3 x Blue Slate Turkey eggs. I’m excited to see how they go!!
After the first day, outside temps reached 34.5C - Janoel had to be turned off for 10 minutes twice, Borotto sat on 37.7C perfectly.

I’ll post some more pictures with my next update.


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Hi everyone, I’m a newbie here. I saw there were only a couple of threads about the Borotto incubators so thought I’d put up something as I do my first run of eggs in my new incubator.
I have been using a Janoel 24, it has been reasonably successful so far though it’s thermometer and heating element aren’t quite right. Over the past month or so I have been having to turn the Janoel off for 10-15 minutes and back on again about 2-4 times a day because it’s overheating. Once the ambient outside temp reaches 32C the internal thermometer doesn’t like it and the incubator will heat up to around 39-40C.
I am aware that the Borotto manual says to use it in air temps of 20-25C but unless I have air conditioning that is not possible, even our winters here would be hard to manage that!

So I took the plunge and bought myself a Borotto real 24 with automatic egg turner. Just from the initial unboxing and looking at it, the build quality looks superior to the Janoel. I also like that the eggs have their own individual cups to sit in that then tilt. I find in the Janoel, the eggs can bunch up to one side of their tray and it prevents them turning as easily.
I also ordered some eggs that arrived the same day as the incubator. So I’ve got 6 x Plymouth Rock and 3 x Rhode Island Red chicken eggs and 3 x Blue Slate Turkey eggs. I’m excited to see how they go!!
After the first day, outside temps reached 34.5C - Janoel had to be turned off for 10 minutes twice, Borotto sat on 37.7C perfectly.

I’ll post some more pictures with my next update.
How are the eggs developing?
I moved the Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island eggs into the Janoel yesterday, so that I can increase the humidity and lower the temperature ready for hatching. They are due to hatch on Friday, I normally candle them though I was pressed for time when putting them in for lockdown so not sure how many of them have developed. Friday is going to be a surprise!

In the Borotto I still have the 3 blue slate turkey eggs as they require an extra week of incubation at the lower humidity. I also added 12 Bourbon red turkey eggs into this incubator a few days after the others, so I will have to hatch out the Blue slate eggs in the Janoel as well. Not ideal but I will at least be able to candle them this time and then I’ll show the hatching of the Bourbon reds in the Borotto.
I am still very happy with my purchase, the temperature is stable even when I’ve had days of 35C. I’ve found I’m topping the water up with about 120ml of water each day.

I’ll put up some photos on Friday as the eggs start hatching.
Oh my! I'm super excited for your turkey! Those varieties are lovely.

We've purchased poults the last couple of years. This year I don't have plans for them. So I'll have to get my poult fix through BYC threads.
I moved the Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island eggs into the Janoel yesterday, so that I can increase the humidity and lower the temperature ready for hatching. They are due to hatch on Friday, I normally candle them though I was pressed for time when putting them in for lockdown so not sure how many of them have developed. Friday is going to be a surprise!

In the Borotto I still have the 3 blue slate turkey eggs as they require an extra week of incubation at the lower humidity. I also added 12 Bourbon red turkey eggs into this incubator a few days after the others, so I will have to hatch out the Blue slate eggs in the Janoel as well. Not ideal but I will at least be able to candle them this time and then I’ll show the hatching of the Bourbon reds in the Borotto.
I am still very happy with my purchase, the temperature is stable even when I’ve had days of 35C. I’ve found I’m topping the water up with about 120ml of water each day.

I’ll put up some photos on Friday as the eggs start hatching.
Awesome update!
Here is a few pictures of the turkey eggs through the viewing windows of the Borotto.

I was pleased to find that one of the Plymouth Rock eggs had pipped when I checked this morning. (Last two pictures) Hopefully I have a few more starting by the end of the day.


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Here is a few pictures of the turkey eggs through the viewing windows of the Borotto.

I was pleased to find that one of the Plymouth Rock eggs had pipped when I checked this morning. (Last two pictures) Hopefully I have a few more starting by the end of the day.
:fl :love
Hi all, it’s been a while since my last update. That’s been due to a few reasons, one of which is that I was waiting to give some good news.
So out of the 9 chicken eggs I only had 1 Plymouth Rock chick hatch. When I finally decided to candle them, 5 of the other eggs had no development in them at all and 3 had minimal development. Then a week later the 3 blue slate turkey eggs, I had a chance to candle before putting into lockdown in the Janoel 24. All three were empty! I was a bit disappointed as I had purchased these eggs through an actual poultry breeder business, so expected a higher hatch rate than that. When I contacted them they just blamed postage for the low hatch rates. I’m not sure about everyone else’s experience but all the times I’ve had eggs posted I’ve still had at least a 25-30% hatch rate. 1 from 12 is pretty bad in my experience, so I was pretty disappointed with those eggs and the brush off response.
Anyway, I was starting to get worried that maybe the Borotto wasn’t as accurate as it’s marketed. Then 4 days later I candled the 12 bourbon red Turkey eggs and looked like 9 mostly developed and 3 partially developed. It isn’t the Borotto!!! So last Sunday I put the turkey eggs in lockdown and starting Tuesday night I’ve had poults hatching. I’ve now got 6 successfully hatched, number 6’s egg membrane dried out too much and it got stuck so I ended up helping it out of it’s shell with tweezers and caution.
I am really pleased with the Borotto and it’s ease of use. It’s temperature stayed constant even on 35C days and is easy to adjust down with the buttons for lockdown. The auto turning model made this even simpler to have running. I’ll post some pictures of the poults in the brooder box soon.

Hope this review has helped, if you have any questions about my experience with either of these two incubators feel free to ask.


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Thanks for the updates. I am thinking of upgrading to a Borotto. Was it easy to wash afterwards?
My cheap Chinese is badly designed and the Brinsea look horrible to clean. Is it easy to clean even with the turner attached on the side?

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