New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

He's out there crowing his heart out, over and over and over, with his head pointing out the window on the top roost step. His poop is still very watery, but he obviously feels much, much better and the temps are going to be a few degrees cooler today and even cooler tomorrow, back to more normal range for this time of year, very low 80's.

ETA: Oh, forgot...I candled a few eggs under Jill early. Today is Day 5 for four of the eggs. Way too early to candle the one I put under her a couple days later than the others to replace the one she broke, but it seems that I saw development in at least Cora's two eggs. It's really hard to see, but I'll leave them alone now until much later.
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He's out there crowing his heart out, over and over and over, with his head pointing out the window on the top roost step. His poop is still very watery, but he obviously feels much, much better and the temps are going to be a few degrees cooler today and even cooler tomorrow, back to more normal range for this time of year, very low 80's.

ETA: Oh, forgot...I candled a few eggs under Jill early. Today is Day 5 for four of the eggs. Way too early to candle the one I put under her a couple days later than the others to replace the one she broke, but it seems that I saw development in at least Cora's two eggs. It's really hard to see, but I'll leave them alone now until much later.
That's spectacular news. :wee
Bash seemed almost completely back to normal, up to this morning. This morning, he came out like normal. Now, he is shuffling, tail is almost hanging to the ground, he is like a limp dishrag when I pick him up. He's having a relapse. I have no idea why he'd be crowing and dancing and mating and calling the hens and back to looking like death warmed over again. :hmm
Do you have venomous snakes? Or poisonous plants? That's so terrible to hear. :( I could tag a few people who know lots about sick birds if you want.
Overdid it...
Probably. He's worse than at the beginning, but Tom said he was fine when he let them out first thing. By the time I got groceries and was able to check on them, he was back to square one.

Do you have venomous snakes? Or poisonous plants? That's so terrible to hear. :( I could tag a few people who know lots about sick birds if you want.

No, don't tag anyone. I've been through every suggestion on the planet now and I don't really want to go through them all again, if you know what I mean. I've probably thought of them all by now. Yes, we have poisonous snakes, no bite mark or swelling visible anywhere. We probably have poisonous plants, but other than mistletoe that falls from the oaks and they mostly leave alone except fo a nip here and there, I would have no idea about what's poison and what isn't that he could get hold of.
Probably. He's worse than at the beginning, but Tom said he was fine when he let them out first thing. By the time I got groceries and was able to check on them, he was back to square one.

No, don't tag anyone. I've been through every suggestion on the planet now and I don't really want to go through them all again, if you know what I mean. I've probably thought of them all by now. Yes, we have poisonous snakes, no bite mark or swelling visible anywhere. We probably have poisonous plants, but other than mistletoe that falls from the oaks and they mostly leave alone except fo a nip here and there, I would have no idea about what's poison and what isn't that he could get hold of.
That's why I asked first. I know you know the drill. It's a frustrating situation. Poor guy. I always expect my birds to know what not to eat, but you never know. :hmm
That's why I asked first. I know you know the drill. It's a frustrating situation. Poor guy. I always expect my birds to know what not to eat, but you never know. :hmm

I appreciate that, Lisa. Generally, it would be a hen who'd eat something she shouldn't, being the pigs that they are. The guys just don't eat all that much, as a rule. They stand and watch while the hens stuff their beaks. I have no idea. He is pretty much on his own at this point. I've given him extra protein, vitamins, probiotics, aspirin, epsom salts in water, kept him from free ranging so he wouldn't feel compelled to follow the hens around and wear himself out, etc, etc. The temps right now are heavenly, in the high 70's and breezy, so nice, but he is open mouth breathing as he lays there. I guess it was good that I dug a huge hole when this first happened.
Bash seems to be continuing to decline. He was grooming himself a lot yesterday and I felt it was because he'd not been dustbathing like he normally would, but I did a pest check anyway. Nothing, no mites or lice at all, and I see very well close up. I still dusted his tush, just in case. No worms in his poop, which is still green and white. That group was recently wormed with Valbazen so I did not expect to see any worms.

He is weak, tail down, walks unsteadily, has lost a lot of weight, but he was crowing in the hospital cage where we placed him when we let his hens out after a few minutes of him being outside because he was swaying a little and standing oddly, very tall and stretching his neck up as if his crop was impacted (it seems 100% normal and pliable, not much in it since he has not been eating much).

I have no idea. I thought he was doing so much better and now, he's relapsed. It's not fair for a healthy 3 year old Brahma rooster to just suddenly be dying mysteriously.

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