New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

Bash is still very weak, but he tries to walk with his hens. He pants heavily as if it's a lot of exertion. So, I don't expect him to make it.

Today is Day 7 for Jill's five eggs. If you recall, she crushed an egg on Day 2 and I replaced it. Well, I am not sure about that last one, but of the other four, two seem to be infertile and two, both Cora's, are developing. I'll recandle those two that I think are duds maybe in a couple of days, and if I still feel they are not developing, I'll toss them.

I have pretty much decided that I really don't want to raise up another Brahma rooster. I adore Bash and he's the easiest guy here, but I'm not sure I want to go through this again, plus these boys are too big for the normal size hens I have here to put one in a mixed flock of hens. The Stukel hens are just too old for a Brahma rooster's attentions or they could be with a Brahma male, as large as they are.
Cyn, Just for your consideration. If you have decided against another rooster, maybe you should terminate that hatch now. You don't need more big-eating broody-tendency Brahma hens, and if you don't plan on keeping a boy then what's the point? Maybe a bantam rooster would be your best bet, with some hens for laying, not brooding.
Cyn, Just for your consideration. If you have decided against another rooster, maybe you should terminate that hatch now. You don't need more big-eating broody-tendency Brahma hens, and if you don't plan on keeping a boy then what's the point? Maybe a bantam rooster would be your best bet, with some hens for laying, not brooding.

Mary, I am not going to keep any more Brahmas, male or otherwise. The eggs under Jill now are only the two from Cora..well, the later one is there, but I see no development in there, either. I have folks wanting them so I have homes for whatever hatches. I want Jill to break up naturally, unlike the two Brahma broodies I can't seem to break. And now, Thea is clucking! It never ends. And I just lost another old girl tonight, got in from burying her. I'm so tired.
Mary, I am not going to keep any more Brahmas, male or otherwise. The eggs under Jill now are only the two from Cora..well, the later one is there, but I see no development in there, either. I have folks wanting them so I have homes for whatever hatches. I want Jill to break up naturally, unlike the two Brahma broodies I can't seem to break. And now, Thea is clucking! It never ends. And I just lost another old girl tonight, got in from burying her. I'm so tired.
I'm so sorry. :hugs

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