New Bunny

Hold them so they're on their back, legs spread. Carefully use your fingers to push the tail down and the skin above the genitals up to make it sort of pop out a little. If its a slit them it's a female. If its round then it's a male. Make sure it comes all the way out though of else a male can easily look female. Be very gentle and dont mistake the scent glands for boy parts. This is just for kits though. Adult males are VERY easy to sex, just flipping them over and looking will make it obvious.
(click on each photo, will make it larger in most cases)
Sexing your rabbit:: photos.
First photo is an adult doe - her genitals are right next to each other

Next photo is an adult buck - They are the easiest to tell because adult bucks will have testicles on each side (the penis has a faint 'hook' like shape to it, hooking down towards the anus.

Below is a photo of a 6wk old doe. Notice how there is not much of a protrusion & more of a slit. The genitals are close together
(I will take pictures in good lighting tomorrow so I don't have to use the flash)

Below is a photo of a 6wk old buck
Notice the cone like shape of the penis(penis is near my thumb) & the wide spacing between the genitals

Next we have photos of a 2wk 3day old doe & buck

Doe: Again you will see a slit (sorry again for quality, will get better ones) I enlarged the genital area to give a better view for right now.

You can see the slit better here & the more pyramid shape

Buck: @ this age (2wks3dys) the penis will still be cone shaped & have a greater distance from the anus

You can see the space pretty good here & the more rounded cone penis.

I hope this helps some till I can get better shots.
That's ok I'll just leave Mr. or Ms. Bunny alone lol....I really do not care what she/he is because I do not plan on breeding him/her I was just curious.
Well if you have a female --> when it turns 4yrs old she will go from a 4 - 6% chance of developing uterine cancer up to 80% chance of getting it
so it might be worth finding out....

Have it altered - this will stop the chances of cancer & you will find out if she's a she or a he!

(I can't really speak about a males chance of getting cancer, there haven't been enough studies yet)

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