New BYC Awards / Badges System

Ah..............the first person who came to my mind! LOL

I think we need one for the most rude comments

Somehow I don't think insulting badges is a really good way to go...

They could be demerit badges
All the badges and awards will be for positive and helpful things. We won't have awards for "most posts" and stuff like that either. The main goal is to award and encourage behavior and accomplishments that overall benefit the quality of our community by active members.
How about the one with the most positive feedback in the old system or in the new system?

A vote for nominees on those who helped the most with iincubation questions?

I don't know ....But I know I love the idea of awards.

I want an award for the phrase "have a blessed day"...............And I mean it

Love, hugs and prayers to all and...............have a blessed day.
Well, darn I was about to post that threads need badges too-like "Can of worms(over 2000 post)" or "Hot Fried topic (over 2000 views)" and "Big goose egg (zero views/post)" they would be tracked by forum software instead of manually.

~Don't even know if its possible, I know some boards indicate hot topics by changing the color of the button, green = 0, blue = XXX or more, red = XXXX or more~

//this is a placeholder, if I missed your award/Badge (except darkmatter- sorry my hand is cramping) please pretty please LMK//


Award Nomination Requirement Sponsor post # Specific Person? Award length? Thread =
"BYC comedian" ... Nifty 3 yes (see comments) Not Specified MFB, MFB, SirBirdaholic, Sourland, Junkmanme, EmTheFishLady, Muggsmagee
"Breed Commentator" Best at ID breeds ginormous chicken 8 no Not Specified
"Gender Guru" Best at ID gender of young poultry FireTigeris (me) n/a no Not Specified (Broke up the award/badge, some are great at one not the other so I made them separate)
"Crazy Pullets/Cockerels badge" Join the Crazy young Chickens at BYC Tanichca 12 no Not Specified
"Oscar for Best Video" nomination wsdareme 15 no Not Specified
"Genetics Guru" who knows the e-alleles, extenders, diluters, modifiers, etc. coopa cabana 19 no Not Specified
"Best of *breed name* Breed" who knows specific breeds inside/out or considerable contributions their breed coopa cabana 19 no Not Specified
"Hatch Hero" who knows how to have a successful hatch coopa cabana 19 no Not Specified
"Coop King" who has a great design and coop page coopa cabana 19 no Not Specified
"Wellness Warrior" "who has extensive knowledge of health remedies and disease prevention.
" coopa cabana 19 no Not Specified (See also Chicken Dr)
"Page Peep" who has an outstanding 'BYC page' coopa cabana 19 no Not Specified
"Tudy's Twin" Most BYC spirit coopa cabana 19 no Not Specified (looks like only one winner at a time for this, maybe comes with some other benefits?)
"Predator award" who dispenses the best advice on the predators patman75 25 no Not Specified
"Most Spirit" host the mascot 44wolves 37 no Not Specified
"Most Post" not including staffers 44wolves 37 no Not Specified Vetoed
"Most troublesome" has a warning or two 44wolves 37 no Not Specified Vetoed
"Golden Feather" Just like the Platinum award 44wolves 37 no Not Specified Vetoed (although I disagree. ;) )
"Most Generous" who gives out prizes or GFM/PFM 44wolves 37 no Not Specified
"Wasted out time" got banned for spam 44wolves 37 no Not Specified vetoed
"Craziest" just plain crazy member 44wolves 37 no Not Specified vetoed
"GOOD SAMARITAN" not specified wolftracks 47 no Not Specified
"COMPASSIONATE" not specified wolftracks 47 no Not Specified
"Gender Recognition" (see Gender Guru) pinky 50 no Not Specified
"Breed Recognition" (see Breed Commentator) pinky 50 no Not Specified
//Bunch of things Listed// /Whole Bunch of different awards listed/ darkmatter 63 no Not Specified ((I'll get to back to it))
"Pulitzer Prize" for best signature coopa cabana 64 no Not Specified
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Thanks for giving me one guys! Thanks for nominating me. I also have one question. If you are chosen for more than one award then will it show all of the awards you have been given under your avatar and info? Or will it just show one of them and it will show the others on your profile?
Thanks. One more lol. Can you please explain to me more about the BYC Volunteer Project Manager? I would like to help BYC in anyway possible but I would like to know what this is more based on. Thanks.
TBH, this is the first time I've opened this section; and that was only because Kathyinmo tipped me to come here...................................

Nifty, I wanted to say thanks for the very generous gift and award! It hardly seems right to receive recognition and be rewarded for enjoying yourself; kinda like being given a gift certificate and trophy for eating only the cakes with frosting on them.
But again, thank you!

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