New BYC death on slow connections, slow computers; site crashes and hangs web browser...

If you disable javascript,you will get rid of the major majority of pop ups and advertisements. I bought my computer in 2007 or 2008. It is only 1.6 ghz. I don't have any problems here without disabling javascript. My dsl is 3 mbs. I don't use internet explorer or firefox. Both hog too much memory and collect and leave too much crap on your computer.

There are several browsers out there that get the job done without hogging resources and leaving a lot of junk on your computer. I use K-Meleon. K-Meleon is Free, Open Source software released under the GNU General Public License and is which is a Mozilla offspring.

K-Meleon is an extremely fast, customizable, lightweight web browser based on the Gecko layout engine developed by Mozilla which is also designed specifically for Microsoft Windows (Win32) operating systems.

It ain't perfect and it has it flaws. I like it. Some sites won't work with javascript disabled. I'm sure there are other browsers where javascript is easily disabled.

Disabling java and javascript are 2 different things. It is javascript that lets everything happen.
I have no issues dancing around the fire in my loincloth in front of my cave while running my t2050 @ 1.6 gig but the last 40 times Flash wanted to update I clicked the "Remind Me Later" button.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

LOL omg I almost spurted coffee out my nose laughing so hard! And I do the same thing with my Windows computer when it comes to the "Remind Me Later" button LOL, sometimes its a chore because it feels like l get a half dozen update notices and I sit there and go through them one at a time - and spend two hours doing it! Now with Linux, I can do them all together in one batch at the same time, walk away from the computer to go outside and spend time with my chickens and come back later and be ready to go!
Yeah Valk, I was poking at you in a friendly manner, that's why I put a LOL
in there, because I was expecting technical advice for my issue, not being told that downloading more stuff just to prevent my puter from downloading stuff or that paying somebody my hard earned $$$ would fix it.

My apologies! That was someone else that told you to download more stuff and to subscribe, by the way.
I have a new computer and great speeds for DSL and I still have to pause and wait for ads to load. It's quite aggravating. I love this site and have to access it by phone the majority of the time.
I have a new computer and great speeds for DSL and I still have to pause and wait for ads to load. It's quite aggravating. I love this site and have to access it by phone the majority of the time.

Dyann - have you tried an "adblock" extension on the browser you use?
And you are correct!!! Even with my error, not Athlon but a Celeron instead - my trusty Linux is still faster! With Linux I don't have to run anti-virus in the background hogging precious memory & processing! Now I love my Windows for Photoshop and a few other small programs I can't get (yet!) with Linux. But for the general computer user who emails, surfs, watches video, etc., it's not a bad operating system - my 11 year old loves it more than Windows too! I've revived "dead" computers with Linux that wouldn't install or boot Windows because they were too old!

You do know that Mac OSX is just a pretty version of Unix (BSD Flavor) which is the OS upon which Linux is based, right? You can have *nix + Photoshop all day long.
Just want to mention that 1GB of RAM is extremely small - even if using virtual memory - for today's operating systems.
"Today's operating sytems". Whose "today's operating systems" are these? :)

Chickenlegs, I am right there with you in my loincloth, had an Inspiron until last spring, when the screen backlight died, and upgraded it to a chronologically similar Latitude so I could simply swap out the hard drive and continue using the same computer. Windows XP, not the greatest OS but for the most part problem free for web browsing. My system is at 2G RAM, which is actually *the maximum* the hardware will support or even recognize. For all you new computer owners, 2G of RAM was not so long ago considered to be insane overkill, something you would need only if you did professional graphics work.. For Windows XP, it is much, much more than enough.

I'm excited by the number of responses to this thread... I expected some people would post saying "you are ungrateful it is a free site it is great and you are a weenie". Well, they did. And I probably am. But I notice that a bunch of these responses are from people who joined in 2012 or 2013. To these folks I would like to say: I forget the exact date of the site upgrade, but in 2011 the BYC forums ran different software; I would have hesitated to call it "blazing fast" at the time, but it is looking that way now. There were still ads; they were non animated ads which you could click on, and sometimes I did, of my own free will. I also visited several of the site sponsors' websites - which I was interested in because they were chicken related. I do think BYC is a good resource, and I've been participating in that resource since 2009. It pains me to see the site becoming harder to use.

Posting to the new forums was significantly slower for me from the get go. I lost a number of long, carefully thought out responses when the page crashed in mid post, and the experience was so depressing I simply gave up rather than try again. I've done a little research and suspect it may be a memory leak or sloppy coding in the new forum software, which probably expects IE to manage memory in a competent way (ha!) I may have to try Chrome again. The last time I ran it, I found it a little irritating and they were still working out bugs.

When the large, auto activating flash ads were added, it made page loads much slower. And Blackheart Rum, Arm and Hammer Kitty Litter, Wal-Mart and a YA drama about Bling Something are not smart targeted advertising for this site. Especially when they are accompanied by a darkening of my screen, a blast of synthesizer music and an interruption of what I was doing, and when my mouse was inches away from the ad activation area the whole time. This phenomenon is probably what the people on this thread meant who have complained about "pop ups".

I have escaped the worst of it for now, by telling Internet Explorer that I do not have Flash installed.

Editing posts and PM's is still incredibly slow, though. I edited this message elsewhere and cut and pasted it in... the experience of sweating, swearing and clawing at my face as I wait for text to appear, at the rate of one letter per minute, is not worth enduring except for demonstration purposes.

A final note, most of the content we BYC'ers see, read and write are short passages of ASCII - often short works like "my bantam leghorn Kiki is so CUUUTE here she is I am hoding her". Accompanied by a 400x600 pixel picture. Believe it or not, this is material we could have read on the web in 2000... without our ancient, primitive computers breaking a sweat.

I am all for BYC trying to be the best it can be, but making it bigger and heavier and slower is maybe, unnecessary, when you look at what people come here for. Answers, pictures... and each other.
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You do know that Mac OSX is just a pretty version of Unix (BSD Flavor) which is the OS upon which Linux is based, right? You can have *nix + Photoshop all day long.

No I did not know that, but thanks for the tip! I don't own a Mac, I run on limited budget which has required me to obtain computers from thrift stores, and well, I've had trouble finding Mac anything there!

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