new chicken added and then something is wrong


12 Years
Feb 15, 2007
Middle TN
Well i may have just infected some of my flock with something. I bought a pullet a few days ago who looks perfectly healthy but 3 days later when i feed the chickens i noticed that a couple of roos had swolen eyes and they have a rattle when they are breathing. They have also stopped eating. This morning it looks like one of the hens has the same symptoms. Any ideas on what it might be and what i should do? I am thinking it could be infectious broncitis(sp), but i really don't know. They are all younger birds approx 4 months old.
Well, I don't know what the problem is, but you definetely should seperate the ones that have those sypmtons to prevent any more birds getting the same problem...Someone else will come along soon to help you out.
I dont really know for sure but I know some people reccomend apple cidar vinegar in water when there are physical symptoms. You could also call your vet if you have a good relationship and ask if there are any meds you can add to the water, maybe they'll give you some AB's.

Otherwise, try to keep them feed (feed other things like yogurt if ness) and hydrated. Maybe it is a virus that will have to take its course and will hopefully clear up with time.
I have seperated the sick ones and the pullet i purchased from the rest of my birds, i guess my next decision is whether or not i should destroy the birds in order to keep the remaining flock from contracting whatever this is. I hate to do this, but i would rather that than take the chance at the rest of them getting sick. I guess i have some time to think it over since they are seperated.
I would imagine they have all been exposed and with the swollen eyes and such, I believe it is too far along to be helped in any way with ACV... I would suggest you put a call into your vet for the appropriate med and treat your entire flock.
two of the three seem to be getting better today, eyes are no longer swollen and less rattling from the throat, but some of the rest of the flock have started showing symptoms now. I think it is infectious broncittis(sp) I have read a lot in the last day and that seems to fit better than any other that i have read about. I decided to just let it run it's course since there isn't much i can do anyway, so i guess i will just keep my fingers crossed that all will make it through.

FYI - there is no treatment for IB only preventive measures i.e. vaccines, not introducing new adult birds to your flock.
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Well not everyone caught whatever it was, but the ones that did catch it are now as normal as they were before the became sick. That was strange but i am extremly glad to see them all healthy again.

Is it possible for them to have caught a cold? I know that sounds silly but if it werent for the swollen face on a couple of them i'd swear they had a bad chest cold.
a cold is technically an upper respiratory infection... (according to the MAYO clinic)... I would give them all a good supplement ...
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